The thief, his wife, and the man in a canoe

I wonder if programme makers have to seek permission from the real people and/or their families before they make any plays/films about their lives?

That is very interesting thankyou

I dont think they do Mups
as long as they stick to the facts and don’t make things up its all in the public domain

I tried to watch last nights program supposedly the true story but found it utter tosh, a bunch of silly camera angles and tricks, people walking to chairs before saying something that added nothing to the story and poor editing overall.

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Exactly my thoughts too @MrFraggle67 I was looking forward to a documentary that would fill in the gaps left out by the series (ie. how the money was repaid, Darwin’s relationship with his sons now he lives in the Philippines and so on) but it was, as you said, utter tosh. Talking heads of some of those involved giving them their 2 minutes of fame.