The Supernatural

well said - now that has plausibility much better thann pummies drivel!:cool:

We have multiples of days to work this out, it is about time folks got off their arses, and sorted it.:slight_smile:

isn’t this goin ‘arse about tail’ ? we seem to be goin in circles - like those mysterious circles in the corn fields - maybe we should all meet in the cornfields and have a sort of open air worship service - well better than sitting on our arses heh?:blush::blush:

I’ve brought along some life savers? - thought this might help us for a start??

It is obvious from some of the replies, some of us are on another planet.:slight_smile:

Don’t understand your reply to Deylon - judging by your previous responses I thought you had an ‘open mind’

Many years ago while serving in the RAF, I was stationed in Lincolnshire at a camp where there had once been an airfield for fighters. Sometime around 1950, it became a non-flying station, but for security reasons it became a camp within a camp. The ‘outer’ camp was connected to the ‘inner’ camp along a one mile road, and a bus would transport the workers to and from work.

On one occasion, I missed the bus and was late for duty. I jogged up the road. It was broad daylight, there were no buildings or trees on the sides, just a simple road, flat as a pancake.

I could see somebody walking towards me. He was dressed in typical flying gear – a bright yellow Mae West, leather sheep-lined boots, and he carried his helmet and mask in one hand. His head was bowed down, obviously deep in thought. As I drew level with him, I saw a Canadian shoulder flash; very unusual. I threw him a smart salute and said, ‘Good morning, Sir.’ He looked up and replied, ‘Good morning to you.’ with a strained smile. From the drawn look on his face, he was obviously very tired.

After a few paces, it suddenly dawned on me – there were no planes here! I turned around – and there was nobody there. I could see a good mile in any direction. It was impossible for him to have just disappeared.

I mentioned this incident later at work, and it turned out others had seen this chap as well. It was thought that this chap had been a Canadian fighter pilot in the war, and killed by walking into the front of a Hurricane propeller while it was being prepared for flight.

Now, I do not believe in ghosts. All that I do know is that I not only saw ‘something’, but I also saluted and spoke to it.

Wow - I bet that made your blood run cold for a while. I wonder if that road and it’s traveller are still there and still being seen.

I believe you, Halfonius!

Hanfo, did you perchance miss the bus because you’d been having a pint or five ?

Had you been smoking funny baccy ?

Did your mates (or complete strangers) set you up - like a Candid Camera trick ?

With all respect, I’ll believe it when[SIZE=“4”] I [/SIZE]see it.
And possibly not even then because I know how easily we can delude ourselves - or be fooled by others.

What a brilliant experience hanfonius,have you ever had anything else like that happen? :slight_smile:

It was supposed to be funny hence the smiley.

I would rather look into the existence of UFOs than ghosties. Ghosties give me the creeps.

[SIZE=“5”]UFO caught on tape[/SIZE]

lovely to see ya around Hannie and bringin some sanity around here !! - from the old site!! [smiley]

still have the myoptic problem then??

ya a bit of a ghostie yaself!!:twisted::twisted:

still coverin someones arse then??

Having a larf yes

Very good Rachal :smiley: it looks more genuine than many pictures I have seen…