The Pages of Punch

1986: Improbable dilemma

A doubly unlikely scenario. Even if his hands were not chained up, from where would he get a card?

1986: The Moses of the rodent world

Here the Red Sea has been replaced by a puddle.

1991: Anthropomorphism again

Once again, we see human activities being performed by members of the animal kingdom.

1986: More of the same

Yes, the penguin would-be traveller will certainly hate California just assuming that he will ever get there.

1986: Self-important snail

I can think of similar attitudes in the human species.

1984: What is funny here?

Who is it that is howling? Could it be the dog comfortably placed at the bottom left hand side of the cartoon? In which case why is the husband going out into the dark? What is he being expected to do anyway? He is not exactly fit for any rough stuff.

The dog is sat on the sofa :smiley:

1986: Arbiter of Logic

George isn’t going to win this argument and he knows it.

Ah, how many times have I heard that?

Many a true word spoken in jest. :smiley:

1987: A really useful contribution

He really looks quite smug about it!

1986: A convenient excuse

‘Computer error’ is a code for human error in programming or data entry. It sounds more impersonal to blame it on the machine. It’s a bit like ‘Act of God.’

1986: Get the dog to do your dirty work

This is a task that you cannot impose on your secretary. I suppose that this is a fantasy joke.

I was interested in the name Thigben so I googled it…turns out it’s a surname 12,890.741st most common surname in the world…sorry I know it’s a useless bit of information :slight_smile:

1991: A foretaste

It certainly seems that homelessness has been around longer than we now realise. Affordable housing was not a government priority by 1991 and the problem has grown ever since.

1988: Bureaucracy even on a desert island

This cartoon is clearly aimed at the all-pervasive hand of authority. No need to try and figure out who has refused permission in this remote location. Nor try and suggest how the shipwrecked pair could have sent or received such a communication. We should just see this for what it is: a counter blast to pettifogging local authority.

1988: Against the flow

Over the last thirty years the pervasiveness of advertising has inexorably increased. There are fewer people around now to make such a protest.

1998: Where are their priorities?

There is a noticeable trend here of Punch cartoons in the nineties that attack big business in all its forms.

1991: No aliens responsible for this crop circle

Some people managed to believe that crop circles were created by extra-terrestrial aliens. The supermarket trolley would have given them some problems.

1986: Cynicism in the after-life

The former business tycoon looks unimpressed by what heaven has to offer.