The OFF really boring thread

No no no, Spitty.
We don’t want to know about anything interesting thank you. :smiley:

My packed lunch box for tonight contains two chicken wraps, both with some salad but one with mayonnaise and the other with sweet chilli sauce. I took out the cherry tomatoes in the salad though.
There is a Cadbury’s Brunch Bar too and also a raspberry flavour Muller Rice.
I have a small fruity water drink also. For my last tea break I will buy a coffee but without sugar (unless I’m a bit tired then I may add sugar in the end).

In a moment I will post a photograph of the drink I am having now, which is twinings lemon and ginger tea, plus a different flavoured Cadbury’s Brunch Bar. This will set me up for my working night handsomely.

I’m wondering whether to go to bed early…

An interesting choice of sustenance Floydy.

Here is my drink and chocolate biscuit.

Of course it’s not, Spitfire. It must not be deemed ‘interesting’ at all, do you understand buddy? :lol:

I need to know what is the picture on the mug?
Not that it’s interesting of course! :-D:-D

Can’t you think of anything boring to do instead, Ruthio?
Scrub the doorstep perhaps or dust the kitchen sink taps?:frowning:

It’s a mug from a holiday place Ruthio so I can’t tell you I’m afraid. Holidays are usually interesting.:confused:

Sorry, most stuff is interesting, just before your shift starts.:wink:

I was the same, but there weren’t any internet back then, see, this has become interesting, sorry and all that.

Fair enough I suppose mate.
Would you like an hourly report of my work tonight?:shock:

Half hourly would be better please … :smiley:

No, I may reminisce, but, if you have time to report, you are not working hard enough.

I’ve just changed sitting position in my armchair.

And scratched an itch on my forehead.


I bought a new pair of Wellies today. Size 12.

Me too… my legs are on the pouffe


You bored ruthio? :surprised: