The Gardening Year 2013

Sounds lovely Barry :slight_smile: I am a fruit junkie too.

I am still getting the odd strawberry off the newly planted perpetual strawberries ‘Mara Des Bois’ ,
the taste is really lovely, quite tart with a lingering strawberry aftertaste. I am looking forward to a full crop next year :cool:.

Our garlic arrived around the 23rd Sept and were in a couple of days later Meg. Still can’t get over how big the elephant garlic cloves were :lol: Looking forward to roasting them whole next year.
And our onion sets were Troy too Barry :smiley:

I tried to get your strawberry a while ago, Meg but couldn’t, so we have got Malling Centenary instead.

Janela :slight_smile: the Provence Wight was very big, I hope it wasn’t wrongly labeled :shock:. It was twice the size of last years Solent Wight.

Shame about the strawberries, Kenmuir has them in stock now.
I am sure those you have bought will be nice too :slight_smile:

Just a little reminder that next year is the anniversary of WW1, time to plant some red (or white) poppy seeds x

Thats a nice though Twiz :slight_smile: I will certainly do that.

Off topic here I’m afraid. there seems to be a momentum towards the anniversary of WW1 next year, but I’m a little uneasy that we should be celebrating the start of a war, which is what it is sounding like in some quarters…:shock:

Celebrating ? The British Legion would beg to differ !

I collected 3 bags of well rotted horse manure today from a farm, £1 a sack which I thought was good :-).
I have put it in the bottom of the bean trench, covered it with soil and then some black woven mulch stuff I happened to have. It should rot down a bit more over the winter.
I am worried about introducing weeds into my raised bed and am hoping the black cover will kill them off .
Was wondering about adding a sprinkling of lime too…:confused:

I think it will be a remembrance of all who died in world war one, or died because of it.What a brilliant idea, yes I shall plant some Poppy seeds.The Olive Trees are doing alright and also the Willow tree.Had a few olives on them as well but only tiny of course.

Well done Annie :slight_smile: I hope the olives are bigger next year and taste nice .

My marigolds and another bedding plant is still doing well.the windy weather is stripping the leaves off trees close by and covering my garden.

My garlic is up (Provence Wight ) :shock: two inches high it isn’t supposed to come up until spring.

Is yours up Janela :slight_smile: ?

Yes Meg :smiley:
My Provence Wight is about the same as yours - a couple of inches.
The Elephant garlic…well…it’s at least 6 inches, fairly romping away :lol: We were surprised too! I hope it all survives the winter.

I guess it is the mild weather making them grow , I hope they are ok in the frost Janela :slight_smile:

I planted my daffodil bulbs at the end of September and I was surprised to see two of them showing their shoots coming up through the ground already :shock: I suppose it may have something to do with the warm Autumn this year… :confused:

:shock: goodness Mags that must be a record :lol:

B&Q are selling special packets of poppy seeds I noticed on Saturday £2, I think some of it goes to British Legion.

Nice to hear some things still have some life in them, my onions are shooting through the soil after planting them just a couple of weeks ago, and this morning I’m going to dig up my crop of Charlotte new potatoes which I planted at the end of July. They have done really well in that short time, so I will dry them then store them in a box of peat in the shed, using them as required. Probably last us until Christmas I reckon, as we only use them a couple of times a week this time of year…:slight_smile:

Barry :slight_smile: do the onions usually come up this early, the garlic I planted other years came up months later, I am amazed to see it growing already.
The potatoes sound good.

Hubby said he was talking to a garlic grower out the front and he said the autumn ones are supposed to shoot early, so as to get frosted, which makes them root and the bulbs fill out. (more or less what he said :-D)
Barry, I’ve got Troy too but there is no sign of them!