The Film market

A daily plethora of films all free on a special channel - been watching em for years out here in OZ - I expect you get them over there too?

Today a accepted some and rejected some it just gones on none stop from dawn to midnight and beyond/

  1. The Natural - a very early Robert Redford film hard to follow the fast dialogue at times but a rather fascinating look at the passion of baseball as the yanks play the game!! - and of course a few love scenarios thrown in - Robert is or was his usual larconic self - never prone to outbursts or showing off - great early yanky history of baseball as only they can play. yep a few gangsters also hovered around!!
  1. The Best Offer and it was a good offer - Geoffrey Rush as a top rank auction master who gets taken for a ride has some romance along the way - quite hot and steamy and loses a fortune in the process - I think he is in a French setting which makes it more interesting

Greenbook - a delightful romp through the deep south of usa with a italian driver from the bronx and his classical pianist who happens to be a black man. Exposes the prejudices of the day but with lots of interspersed humour and companionship - a most unusual film and will surely raise your hackles if you hate prejudices!!