The Bane of my Life! - THE SWEDE

That’s it! :-p:-p

Was thinking of this thread last night while I was struggling to cut up celeriac!

Even more difficult to cut, what with all its spiky bits. Well worth it though, I do like Celeriac mash. :cool:

LOL, Maybe we should write to the supermarkets and suggest they sell whole peeled and sliced swedes on the vegetable shelves. I certainly wouldn’t mind paying a little more for them. Same with Celeriac and Turnips. It’s not a case of laziness, It’s just that I only like fresh veg, regardless of it being 5 days old, but it’s so blessed difficult to prepare for some of us old farts. (I know, I know. Speak for yourself Shroppie!) :smiley:

I don’t think I could bring myself to pay extra for cut up veg (must be the Yorkshire and Scottish blood in my veins :lol: ) and like Shropshire girl I like to buy them as fresh as possible (though ditto, the celeriac was also 5 days old :mrgreen: )

Actually I didn’t find the celeriac as difficult to cut up as a swede. Or butternut squash, that’s another toughie!
I made cream of celeriac soup last night, t’was very nice!

Not tried that one. Would you share the recipe, please, Glanny?:smiley:

That is a softer swede, sharper knife and a stronger arm, than any I have fought with. Grr!

Swedes should be sold with Danger notices on them … :twisted:

You would be surprised at how much ready mashed potato and ready mashed swede, the supermarkets sell. I believe Waitrose even do chopped onions.

Especially this one :lol:

I use one of these to deal with the peel/skin :-

and a surgically sharp knife to cut/dice. No problem.

This makes interesting reading:-

Naughty, naughty LD! :smiley:

Is he ever anything else, Mags?:-D:-D

Sure! Although I don’t have a recipe as such but I can tell you what I did :mrgreen: I only use recipes for baking or puds where weights and measures could be vital. I still end up tweaking them half the time though :roll:

Cut up the celeriac into cubes (try not to swear at it)
I used a pretty large celeriac so I roughly chopped 2 medium size onions
2 medium size carrots
1 large potato
2 large cloves of garlic

Sweat all veg gently in melted butter (has to be butter for me, not any of these lookylikies invented by men in white coats in a laboratory that apparently are supposed to be good for you :roll: )
Don’t be tempted to rush this stage, you don’t want to colour the veg, just sweat it so all the juices come out. It could take half an hour or more, this is what gives the soup most of its flavour.

When the veg was pretty soft I then used 3 Knorr stock cubes (it was a big pot full, would normally use 2, I think it was 2 veg and one chicken cube), covered all with boiling water and simmer gently for half an hour or so until everything is soft and cooked through.

Used a stick blender to purée till smooth. Throw in about half a cup of double cream. Check seasoning.
That’s it!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

No, I don’t think he’ll ever change, Tabby… :smiley:

Glanny - thank you - that sounds delicious - have pasted it into my recipe file!

Definitely a lost cause!:-D:-D

Wash your mouth out. Bruce’s beans on toast video is #1!

The best thing about swedes is that you offset the calories with the energy used to prepare the dratted things!