Back to the fray.
SMRs, small modular reactors.
They are not as small as you think, each one is the size of two football pitches, with the necessary ancillary buildings and parking etc, that moves up to 10 football pitches.
Small refers to their generating capacity, about a 25th of the new Nuclear Stations we are building.
They each generate about the same amount of electricity as 150 land wind turbines.
The advertising says they will each power around a million homes.
They will, providing the homes are well insulated.
What they will not power is the other bits and pieces we rely on, like sewage, industries, shops and traffic lights etc.
They are not similar to submarine nuclear power units, these generate a 10th of the power of a SMR and only work if they are surrounded by vast amounts of water.
SMRs also need lots of water for cooling, there is not going to be one in every town.
They also have costs to connect to the national grid.
They are also a security issue.
Our existing nuclear power stations are built to withstand serious attacks and a plane crashing into them.
SMRs are not, they are built in a factory, transportable by road and slotted together on site.
We have a small number of Nuclear Power Stations at the moment, one recycling plant and a limited number of transport movements of radioactive material.
These are protected by the British Nuclear Police.
These people are armed, they have very different rules of engagement, very different to those of Armed Police Officers and the Military.
Their job is to protect nuclear sites and materials during transport from attack.
They have instructions and permission to shoot to kill, no need to refer to a senior officer, an on the spot decision.
With the new announced Nuclear Power Stations the 1600 existing staff are going up to 5000, they will need an awful lot more if we go down the SMR route.
We will also need to protect them against Arial attack.
Possible, but expensive.
Having hammered SMRs, I think they are the way forward provided we build and operate them ourselves.