Supermarkets have a very low moral compass

It angers me that they continue to gouge the public.
Looking at the profits over the previous five years it has remained the same, right through.
More than a billion dollars each year.
So while the public is suffering, the supermarkets are maintaining their profit margins.
Not hurting one little bit.
An item not available to make a profit on? easy, raise the price of other items.
Shame on them.


Some of them have seen their profits triple since the pandemic!

Our politicians are scumbags as well - I wrote to my local MP in 2021/2022 saying he should push for a law that prevents large companies from profiteering in times of national or global crisis - if their profits exceed the average of the prior three years before the crisis, then that excess must be paid back directly to consumers!

Most of our politicians are scum - they only care about their rich mates or themselves! (Many of them have shares in these companies!)


Totally agree. There is a class war thriving across the globe. The “Haves” despise the “Have Nots” even though it is the “Have Nots” spending that is enabling the scurrilous profiteering

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Buy shares in Coles and Woollies then you can express your concern at their AGM and profit from their low moral compass


It`s legalised theft imo.


Here’s a classic experience of how. The Customer Is ‘NEVER’ Right!!
This QWERTY. Has been the only means of having groceries delivered seamlessly. To the value of circa £200 every 10days for the past 8yrs.
Recently delivered to doorstep, one that was obviously Not Mine. He returned to van, had a StreetSide shuffle around and delivered mine.
Due to the kerfuffle, didn’t check all, until the following day. Two bottles of plonk £38 missing.
Sent as complaint. Within one hour. Reply. Without explanation or a timeline to investigate. “Rejected”. The implication. that I was attempting to defraud.
Six weeks of familiarising its head office. From local manager to CEO. All auto noted as Received. NONE Replied to. Ringfenced/Firewall Impenetrable. Litigation in practical. They have the fiscal resources. Joe Soup doesn’t. Alas no alternative.
They are UP £38. But don’t expect Joe, to bother click boxing the invitation to express. How wonderful they are. :anger:

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What are grocery store profit margins in Australia?

They are typically below 3% here, and we had a lot of chains go under after the pandemic.


A quick check of Coles profit margin over the past 4 years shows 26%
Woolworths 27.5%

It’s not only their customers ,they don’t treat their suppliers any better.As a lot of farmers would agree.


Many farmers have told them to get stuffed and have found other markets or given up farming.


Wow! That is amazing! So I wonder, are you all paying a greater portion of your income towards groceries than we do? I’ll check I out.

Back after a quick look. Although Australians spend more of their income on food overall, a basket of item-to-item groceries is 14% lower in the U.S.

So, it seems that if we were able to force a reduction in pricing here, it would drive our grocery stores out of business (and grocery stores here fail frequently) while you can force change by buying less, taking your money elsewhere, or buying a piece of the corporate pie instead of - a pie.

The bottom line is that thanks to inflation we are all paying more than 20% above what we were four years ago. Is there anyone not changing their buying habits?

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We are seeing a lot more farmers forming co-ops or marketing their own product directly, as they can.


That seems about right to me for a business to keep trading and fully solvent.
Now was that quoted profit gross or net?

Net profit

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