Strong leader and no elections

She Said she’d hit the ground running, she did, and she’s like a runaway train ploughing through everything in her path. I’ll be glad when she runs out of steam, sits down and thinks things through. If she carries on like she’s doing it won’t be long before she’s sliced, diced, and out the door.


Most of the time I don’t understand what politicians are talking about.

Upswitch? Give us a clue what that means please.

Worth repeating:
Hard Times Create Strong Men, Strong Men Create Good Times, Good Times Create Weak Men, Weak Men Create Hard Times

Or Women.


@Cinderella , ‘upswitch’
Maybe that should be ‘Ipswitch’ cinders ?? :grin::grin:

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From the bank, seems like a whole new language is evolving. Make happen?

Ipswich, nice place. :grinning:

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Trying to roll back the years, whilst desperately clinging to power.

His health in the news today.

When complaints about Democracy arise, so does the prominence of the monarchy…its as if they are trying to remind us of our place! :astonished:

It doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny though does this little ditty?
Perhaps from adversity it is possible that a great leader arises. Hence hard times (possibly, eventually might) create strong men. But one assumes that ‘strong’ here is in the context of a leader to take a nation out of hard times. Although it clearly takes more than one person, but lets go with this. A person suited to those circumstances is able to improve things. Which might just cover step 2 - strong men create good times. Lots of assumptions but again, possible.
Good times create weak men/women. Why? What is inherent about prosperity for many that by definition must lead to weak people? I might see a connection with empires of ancient times - you know, the Romans got weak because of their wealth and lack of challenges. But that is also a superficial assessment of the failure of the Roman empire. And we don’t look back on supposed good times (say the time of the UK empire) and think - look, bunch of weaklings. Barely able to… go on to win a world war. Err…
Weak men create hard times. Are we sure? Do we think Johnson was a weak man? His Brexit is creating hard times. Cameron & Osborne - weak? Their austerity created hard times. Again, its too simplistic isn’t it?
And strong - what does that mean? Why can’t we use ‘intelligent’ or ‘shrewd’ or ‘empathetic’?
(Soz, just ribbing the little ditty for fun.)

Good grief 🥹


Putins health or lack of it …it’s just rumours .
How come he’s still there!
Shouldn’t he of been taken out with bullet …
Men & women can walk on the moon …
How come he’s still there sitting behind a desk sending young men to there deaths & condoning war crimes.

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@straffmore,. Fort it was to good to last !! You sly old bugger !! :-1::worried::-1:

I heard rumours he has a body double who chairs meetings when Putin isn’t able to. And he (Putin) has security guards to remove his “bathroom activities” in case anyone steals it to incriminate him.