I think I will shoot him now…
Ooh if only I ate meat!!!
Nonsense! I know you love him
You’re a terrific cook so he’ll be fine.
I’ll be thinking of you
Sorry liquidised …should have really have stressed that…real pleased I can eat…
He will live…even his blood pressure tablets, not allowed.
Last scan was never like this…He even drived himself there and back an hour each way.
This time he has had to have an Ambulance Car…here at 7.00am Wednesday and should be back for a late Banquet…
When is the procedure? Wednesday?
Yes Minx…Mercredi
meck cred de
It’s best he receives the proper care Di.
Yes health care does get better with the sciences and studies, and more cautious therefore…Of course, it is all for the good…
He is less stressed this evening…This morning he packed all his gear, including a small bottle of water he actually picked up himself… He Said this morning…got my slippers packed… …
Why would you put milk in an omelette ?
chicken pasta with tomato sauce
I would also make pasta with a tomato and veg broth sauce
A fish pie bake using the pasta, fish, cheese and eggs
steak and fried eggs
ham and eggs
If he can have tomato sauce could you not make soup with the filter broth and add in yet more pasta
All that for two days I couldn’t eat that lot in a week?
Because we always have done …Normally only make a Spanish Omelette with Cubes of Potatoes but the Omelette always has some Milk in it…
It makes it lighter I guess…
Dianne I used to think milk & flour was needed but then I saw them making omelettes on Saturday kitchen with just eggs and have never looked back.
Flour haha…surely not!!!
I was confused
I have thought about it and maybe the milk was to make the eggs go further…Husband was one of five, but with me just a Sister.
When having scrambled eggs I add milk also…seems the correct texture that way…
It doesn’t sound that bad to me, for just 2 days, I could live with that.