Something I do not understand about 72 hour anti-perspirant

How can this be true?
Surely for such a claim to be valid, one would not be able to shower for 3 days?
I shower daily, washing underarms obviously.
So this is a false claim?


Its easy not to wash for three days, no sweat :icon_wink:


I have been known not to ablute for 3 days, all those years ago. :slightly_smiling_face:

Its never too late to make a Fresh Start.

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This feller obviously has a “No Sweat” condition. So no need for any 72 hour cobblers! :innocent: :smiley:

Prince Andrew said he has a medical condition that prevents him from sweating. He made this claim during a BBC interview about Jeffrey Epstein.

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I’ve never used an anti-perspirant Bretrick, I don’t think it’s healthy preventing one of your bodies natural functions… :009:
A couple puffs of talc does it for me…
:sunglasses: :dash:


I am SOO glad you started this thread!
We have ads hourly on TV promoting these “body deodorants” that give 72 hour protection. But protection against what? Perspiration odor (you still sweat), foot odor, behind the knees??, breast odor?, thighs, private parts(no longer private), what?
Anyone and everyone these days use body lotion, creams to soften, bath gel, perfumes, sunscreen, aloe, and who knows what else to slather on their body.
And then, to advertise you don’t need to shower or cleanse your body for three days if you use this product?
Disgusting! Whew, so glad I got that off my chest…and without odor protection! :smile:


I think it depends on the climate and activity. If a person lives in a colder climate and doesn’t do much to produce sweat, there is no need to shower everyday. Hot environments and/or vigorous (perhaps dirty) work or exercise then yes, a shower is necessary. Even then, a wet-wipe or two might be OK rather than showering.

There could be just too many of us in the World asking too much of resources such as water and the energy needed to heat it.


Here in the states, most of us shower daily, and those who workout or go hiking sometimes twice daily. Now, I’m not talking about 15 minutes each time.
My normal time is about three minutes of water usage. There is nothing so cleansing for mind and body as a quick showering off.


Except proper talc is no longer sold anywhere in my area due to a cancer scare. Its that corn starch that has taken over and is so fine it gets everywhere😟