Some of my dogs

Mups if your beautiful German Shepherds were still with you I would be visiting a lot!:lol:

I don’t need to with the Beddies because, when they are naughty, you keep threatening to send them to live with me!:mrgreen:

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All except Gertie, Twink … she has been promised to me :wink: :smiley:

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Believe me Mags, she was in trouble last week so Mups threatened to send her to the house for naughty dogs…my place!

You wouldn’t tell her off Mags!:lol:

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Gertie is the most gentle, harmless little soul ever, but she drives me bonkers with her enthusiasm for gardening! goes out every morning with her invisible shopping bag, collecting anything wooden. At some point during the morning, I find half a forest in her bed.
When she has messed her bed up sufficiently, off she goes again and starts piling up her treasures in somebody else’s bed!
Then she will finally sit and begin chewing it all up and makes herslef sick. A couple of weeks ago she was sitting there pulling faces, and when I examined her, she had a big splinter of wood wedged between her teeth and sticking in her gum!
She also collects those plastic plant labels, so I don’t know what I’ve planted where half the time.

No Twink, Gertie has always been promised to Mags, and you are to have naughty Nellie please, the biggest thief in Northants. Always happy, always laughing, but an expert Kleptomaniac. She’s even practicing her pick pocketing skills now. :lol:

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I have an awful feeling that Nellie would make me naughty , rather than me making her good… but she does make me smile!:smiley:

Isn’t it strange how the same breed of dogs can have so many different characteristics about them.

Mups, I think Gertie is trying to reward you with her ‘goodies’ to thank you for caring for her in puppy years. :slight_smile:

Yes Mags, they are all different natures and different funny habits, inspite of the fact three of them are the same family even.
I have always said the oldest one - Mups - was ‘born old’, and has always been very staid and sensible, even as a pup.
Two of the others are her grandchildren, yet nothing like her at all. Nutters, the pair of 'em. :slight_smile:
Mups is almost 14 and sadly, her sight is going as she has quite bad cataracts now.
I am dreading losing her one day.

Gertie’s an alien. :smiley:
She wasn’t in a very nice place as a pup, and I didn’t want to leave her there, so I bought her home with me.
She’s been out collecting bark chippings again this afternoon! :roll:

I got Izzy because the owner was going into hospital for heart surgery and couldn’t cope with Iz and her sister, so she came home with me too. She is 11 this year.

It is a bit difficult sometimes, I admit, but we manage and they are all happy dogs.

You make them sound worse than children Mups! :lol:

Gertie an Alien, indeed :018: :mrgreen:

You will be saying the same after you’ve had her a week. :lol:

Fantastic, Mups, simply fantastic!

Aaw, thanks a lot Tabs. x

Mups and Ciderman, I went back through the photos again for another “dose of happy,” and absolutely relish those puppy pictures. With all the strays in my life, I never get to hold puppies!

Mups, you are fortunate to have had several generations! So many of my females have had puppies when they came to me, and desperately hope that they fared well.

What a fine forum of dogs :049:.:smiley:

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Thanks again Surfermom.

You do such good work giving those poor homeless animals a safe and loving environment. They must think they’ve gone to heaven. :smiley:

Mups, they are absolutely adorable! Look at those eyes? enough to melt even the hardest heart. Give them a cuddle from me please. The same to all those other gorgeous doggies. :-p

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Very attractive, healthy looking dogs Mups.
Clearly loved and well cared for.:023: :mini:

Thanks very much for the kind comments Shroppy and Bratti. x

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Biff and Doug.

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Mags and her babies.

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My first boy, Benny. (Benjamin when I was telling him off). :smiley:
A very loving and loyal lad.

Sigh . . . a long time ago now.

My big wooly bear, Doulgas, as a gorgeous chubby, furry puppy.

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