Social media boss held for enabling crime

This might prove to be interesting. The platform Telegram is used by many for rapid communication and sharing posts or images. The entrepreneur, Pavel Durov, who set it up and owns it is a billionaire (of course). His platform has been used by many for not very legal or very illegal things - the recent UK riots were coordinated on Telegram.
So the French authorities have arrested Durov for not controlling or stopping these illegal activities. Elon Musk has, of course, demanded that Durov be released immediately. The founder of another social media site (Rumble) has apparently fled Europe because of this.
Will the French authorities be able to show negligence / active lack of effort on illegal activities on the platform - and then hold the CEO liable? Which other platforms might be held accountable in a similar way? What next?

Thanks Lincs. I know someone who uses Telegram, he’s a relation, and I know him well. I don’t think he’s involved in anything illegal or immoral, but I would be interested to hear more about Telegram and Durov. See what emerges. Interestingly my ‘friend’ is pretty controversial in that he’s teetotal, a Professor, a dark-web buff, an investor in crypto, an antivaxer, and loves to tell the world about these things.

Anti-vaxer - and uses Telegram. Is there a connection? Which is cause and which is effect?

I don’t know, but I do think that Telegram could be responsible for spreading such conspiracies.

I didn’t know it was a “platform” until you mentioned it. I was told it’s a way of communicating/emailing, kinda more privately than other ways. As I say, I’d be interested to learn more.

If someone is allowing illegal activity like child porn and other atrocities on one’s website without aggressively working to shut it down, or aren’t fully cooperative with law enforcement, then one is transporting the crime, and culpable, IMHO.

If one is going to provide that kind of platform, one needs to be very, very clear in terms of service about what is and isn’t allowed and define what speech will and won’t be protected. Nefarious users will just have to find another communication means.

If Durov turned a blind eye or did not make reasonable efforts to block illegal activity, then he can use his billions to defend himself. “With great power comes great responsibility.” I seriously doubt that he wasn’t warned before his arrest, and Telegraph is known for its lack of content regulation.

I’ve never even heard of Telegram.

It has 950 million users and is very popular in some countries and with some groups. It has a highly distributed company and infrastructure set up - specifically to avoid being under the regulations of any one nation or bloc. It is registered in British Virgin Island and headquarters are in Dubia.
The app features messaging, chat, calls, mass-multi user chat (up to 200,000 people), encryption, anonymous chat, sharing pics / video / locations, channels (one-way feeds). It does not share any content with governments or security agencies - even though it has been pressured to do so in regard to child abuse.
At least, that is what Wiki says about Telegram. I’ve not read all of the wiki section on criticism of Telegram, use by extremist groups, use for sharing illegal pornography and for promoting fraud / misinformation. Those were quite long sections.