Snapshot competition return

Evening snappers, I’ve been on a sabbatical for a couple of months but am now around again, so I intend to resume running the Snapshot Competition from March 1st for those of you that it interests.

Just for a heads up, the winner.of the last competition held in October was Fruitcake, who chose “Wheels” as the theme for the next competition whenever it was going to be held, so that will indeed be the theme when we begin, so go dust off your cameras, start snapping and I will look forward to seeing your entries from March 1st after I start the thread. :blush:


Can I get a whoop, whoop!


Haha, no problem…here’s a “Whoop whoop” from me Minxy… :laughing:

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Brilliant Barry. Thank you so very much for doing it again.
Wheels are turning again. :grinning: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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