Smart phones dumb people

It was in the news a week ago about a Russian Spy ship in the English Channel, it was watched by the Royal Navy ,

all about it on the Gov site

There you go so the need to reach on the net like we all do here and there and be at all time reachable, for all kinds of reasons, does apply to people who are benefits recipients too and all the more if they have little ones at school.

Even the class parents conversations and exchanges are now done on what’s ap for many schools.

Smart phone is not an option anymore and has become an essential tool for many.
And as July mentionned if you can not afford a phone line, a laptop, tablet etc… It is a lot of money saving over all.

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There’s no doubt that phones, tablets and laptops are a must when it comes to applying for jobs, sending CV’s etc, consider Indeed for example.
Whether we approve or not is pretty much irrelevant .

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I just think we are obsessed with smartphones.
If you are honest, do you ever see anyone on the bus, train, sidewalk, restaurant and a whole host of other inappropriate places with a smartphone either stuck in their ear or gripped in their sticky little hand. My daughter, her hubby, and grand daughter come for their tea on a Saturday night, and after the initial greetings you could hear a pin drop as they all are perusing their phones. Taking advantage of daddys wifi…I love em’ to bits though…


The thing that really pisses me off is when I’m waiting to use a bench or machine in the gym only to see someone texting, engaging with social media or arranging their social life on a mobile phone :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I completely understand your frustration on that respect and it is indeed a drawback all too common.

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So you have one and use it for the purposes that suit you - as do other people

and you have a laptop as well

Not sure why you begrudge people on benifts having a smart phone then - internet access is something we all need these days and if you dont have a laptop, tablet, desktop - you will do it all on your phone.

why is a bus or a train an inappropriate place?

Sure, phones can be over used i n some situations - and yes, could be so i n the other places you mention. Not a problem having it there and using appropriately - showing somebody photos, putting a date in your diary etc -

Many of the bus stops around here have arrival times shown but some don’t. Then it is handy for us to have the bus app (UK Bus Checker) on a smartphone. As with the bus stop displays, real-time updates on arrival times.

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I don’t think I said that I begrudge people on benefits from having mobile phones ?
I just think they might have got their priorities wrong.

I don’t deny that smartphones have many benefits, but I think every one reading this knows exactly what I mean.


Oh come on! that’s even sillier - unemployed people have to apply for at least 20 jobs a month (and prove that they did) as part of their mutual obligation.

Centrelink (dole office) has an app

How else will they find these jobs without their phone? (no young person has a landline they are too expensive)

Your posts did seem to imply that.

although posters have pointed out the many reasons why poor people even more need a smart phone than people in general you still think they have their priorities wrong :thinking:

Easy solution - I just turn wifi off when my grandkids or visitors have had enough screen time (my TVs and my computers have an ethernet connection)

Doesn’t work for my kids they just use the data on their phones.

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They get it all when I’m gone Bruce, so I might as well see the joy on their little faces now before its too late.

You are assuming they all want to find jobs Bruce… :009:
Co-ordinating burglary’s and drugs collections (and I’m not talking Weldricks) seems to be very popular around here. Not to mention all the just stop oil protestors and far right trouble causers. I think people must be so naive to think that mobiles are just for calling granny or making sure the kids are safe. And lets think about the hours spent on games and gambling.
Never has so much time been spent, by so many, pursuing waste of space interests that you can access on yer smartphone.
Our scientists and engineers would never have invented half of the stuff if smartphones had been around in Brunell and Stephenson’s day, they would be too busy on social media.

I think it has been shown without any doubt that the majority of job seekers are wanting a job, the bludgers are a very tiny minority.

No one willingly wants to live on $778 per fortnight, that is $55 per day The average weekly rent in Australia is $627 per week or $89 per day. You’re not a fan of Mr Micawber I take it?

did anyone say they think smart phones are just for those things???

I don’t do gambling - but I enjoy some computer games - not sure why that is an issue