Do you use one or the other?
Thought about one but never got on with it but I expect these to be cheaper to use than oven and pan cooking ?
So with energy costs rising I might now get on with it this winter .
Your comments please .
I have a multi cooker, good for cooking for one and 14preset functions.
I have neither. I was looking at slow cookers with a view to getting one for the winter, but I’m not sure I would use it enough. I’m still on the fence. But I have an air fryer which roasts & bakes & grills, so that does me for the moment.
We wouldn’t use either.
And I wouldn’t be tempted to save by using less energy. There are better ways to save by cutting out on unnecessary luxuries.
We had a thread about this recently. TBH I’m not sure what is the difference between a crockpot and a slow cooker- does it have more functions such as frying/baking?
They definitely save power that’s for sure. My favourite is the george foreman grill. If I were to buy again I’d go for the larger version. That combined with a 3 tier steamer can cook a perfect sunday lunch in no time at all. Both time and money saved.
A delicious veg soup was made to perfection in the slow cooker just this afternoon and the best thing about it is that you can switch it on and leave it without worrying about safety. If a crock pot is what I think then I would be less inclined because some of the functions require checking and fussing over. Best thing about the slow cooker is sheer laziness of not having to worry about stirring or anything at all really.
IMO a delicious veg soup can be made in an old saucepan in 15 minutes, and doesn’t taste of 50s school dinner.
You can’t beat slow cookers for casseroles, stews curries etc. Left on low overnight the toughest cuts of meat are deliciously tender by morning especially when cooked in a strong ruby ale or red wine, I love to add some dried porcini mushrooms, a little mushroom ketchup and whatever vegetables and seasoning that take my fancy.
I have a small 1.5 litre slow cooker but I’m going to get another larger capacity model. I think slow cookers are great, affordable, versatile and cheap to run… what’s not to like?
What is this black magic
Am I getting confused, or was there a thread a while ago about earth ovens which some member(s) put pots in and since it’s so well insulated made it really efficient?
Nothing Dennis Wheatley about mushroom ketchup, it’s delicious, I must put some on my shopping list for tomorrow
I haven’t heard of this ever before - it looks a bit yuck but I bet it tastes amazing!
I went Googling and found a recipe
That looks delicious Pixie, I’ll save that recipe, probably a bit posh and expensive to chuck into your average slow cooker casserole though
d00d - there’s “soup” and there’s SOUP! My soups are like works of art which cannot be cooked in 15 mins and require refinement over time.
exactly! meat falling off the bone, melt in your mouth and using very little energy.
And that sums it up in a nutshell Annie
I can do that on my gas cooker - one of the burners has a ‘slow cook’ facility
It certainly is delicious.
Have you tried this one ? Angels dancing on your tongue time!!
I used to make casseroles in the oven & simmer soups on low but that was when gas prices were not eye watering. the other good thing about having all these appliances is that you can run them on a generator. They have been talking about power cuts etc so investing in the most energy efficient electric items is an idea. I’m making a list (currently mental) to prepare for emergencies over the winter months. I wonder whether someone makes a wind up slow cooker or steamer? I was even thinking of getting a small generator for emergencies (to rescue the freezer!). Call me nuts but we are living in strange times.
I love my cooking, but got a multicolour on the advice of the OT for those days I am not brilliant.
I love it, use it all the time now.
Me too And all ll I can find on “wind up cookers” is camping stoves or solar powered cookers.
What we need is something like a BBQ with a close over hood on it.