I avoid self-service checkouts, but self-scan is a godsend.
My local Aldı don’t have any of those, all personal service.
In addition to which, I think Aldi sell some of the best wine you can buy in Supermarkets.
I do like tasting some of their Reds.
And have you ever been tempted to actually drink any, Ted?
Our Tesco haven’t done that for ages, think they got a lot of stick from customers the last time, so have left everything where it usually is, except for specials that is.
Woollies and Coles hang a directory sheet on the end of the aisle so it isn’t a problem anymore.
I love self service checkouts. I have to be in a really good mood to bother with the regular checkouts. The nice thing about self service ones is that you get a lot of space from other customers and the queue moves very fast.
That explains why I never even consider using them.
Same here. My favourite place to shop is Woollies
perhaps you haven’t been to Ikea?
Flat pack furniture, yes riveting stuff
After my first visit to Ikea, I always take a ball of wool with me and unravel it as I make my way round, so that I can find my way out again.
just looking at the woolworths ZA store. English cucumber - featuring a very straight slim cucumber vs a much smaller,shorter and fatter Mediterranean cucumber.
I’ve only been to an IKEA once. Never again.
Thankfully it’s not happened since, I think they got so many complaints about it, they decided not to poke the Dragons again.
Harbal, I pick up the screw top ones and put them back, on the shelf, when I’m done!
I might bring an empty glass, for safety, as Covid might still be around!
That sounds perfectly reasonable to me, Ted.
About 10 years ago my younger sister, mother and I were in Lidls. Sis and I were looking at stuff in the middle aisle, and Mum was looking at the ice creams. We came back just in time to hear a very little elderly lady saying to Mum “thank you, you’re a good girl”, she had asked Mum to get her something she couldn’t reach. Being told she was a “good girl” at nearly 80 made her day.
I think the service here is generally 1st Class. I see older people being helped with loading and unloading their goods.
We have self service, always as assistant to assist, or the normal queuing ones.
People do treat the supermarkets as a meeting place and that is a tad annoying when some people actually go there to buy goods.
Individual shops are notably slow to serve as they take as much time with the customer as necesary.
Patience is Vital, No Face Pulling or never Umming and Rrr’ing, best just look like you’ve all the time in the world…
When something goes wrong with an item you purchased though.
…Need to come armed with a file on what, why, when and how this came about. etc etc…Receipts are kept securely for these actions, even to begin the process…best take a drink and snack with you to keep up your staying power.
.Never has anybody made me feel old or incapable though.
Screw that!! Together I mean