Selling Organs to Purchase a Used Car

After one of the minivans was totaled last week, we have been looking for another workhorse. We thought that by not buying the ubiquitous pickup trucks, prices and inventory would be better, but…ouch…was that ever wrong!

Not sure I like the color, but it’s all but impossible to find one that doesn’t have a black interior. I am not a fan of sitting on a frying pan in this Oven of the Earth (Florida) but in the interest of avoiding weekly visits to the ER for second degree burns :laughing:, she’ll do. The thing I like best is that it has a low entry and holds the entire population of a small town - and we had put a whopping 350K miles on the last one when it was bashed in by Mr. No Insurance. These beasts last (almost) forever.

Question: Why would anyone manufacture a vehicle like this and not include - racks? :017:


Not tempted towards a Humvee then? I defy any of the many uninsured to write one of those off :wink::+1:

Does Honda offer roof bars seperately?

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Checks all the boxes :sunglasses:.

I might need a crane to get in though…

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Yes; they are about the price of a Lamborghini. Investigating after-market rails.

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Oh yes, after market is always the best option for most car parts. Have you thought about a breakers yard for some good options?

Now that you mention it, we might be able to locate the old Oddity. I like the way your think.

I’ve thought this way ever since acquiring a ‘pre-loved’ (:wink:) car lot on behalf of my ever hungry family. I do admire that word Pre-Loved :grin::+1:

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Well, I should have married a Honda then :laughing:…a million Honda miles and counting…

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The two most popular cars on our lot are Honda and Suzuki-Maruti. All very reliable and tolerant to high mileage👍

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I put Rhino Racks on my car. cheap enough. You buy them as parts so if you change to a wider or narrower vehicle for example then you can don’t have to replace the whole lot

I loved my Honda… not a van. Had it for 17 years before it finally died… It didn’t owe me a thing. Would have bought another one if they had an electric one, but alas, they don’t here. Sad…the vehicle just kept going and going… oh well


Thanks for the recommendation. Researching