Seeing the International Space Station

I too have a good view of it last night, it was low enough I could watch from my seat on the sofa viewing through the veluxses (sp?)

Not as close as when I spotted it last week though, felt I could have reached out and touched it last week

Missy when you saw this ISS sighting when you were visiting the loo, did it look like this by any chance :cool:

Ha ha :slight_smile:

It’s like I said to you, it was really huge. Last night it was like seeing a ping pong ball, last week a tennis ball. It’s the only way I can discribe how large it was. Most it’s so far away it’s like just a normal star size or even an aeroplane light

But definitely no flying pigs nor cows in the vicinity :slight_smile:

That’s not the space station, that’s the Moooooooooon. :lol:


I saw the Space Station and Mars that night. And I was awake, I even gave myself a pinch to make sure and got my glasses to make sure I was seeing right :slight_smile:

Another loo visit in the night and I noticed a planet looking quite large and bright at around 2 am due south about 45deg. Any ideas anyone? It looked too white for Mars although I understand Mars is very close at the moment too.

Jupiter is meant to be really bright at the moment , thats south I think???

There is the clue! you put your glasses on, no wonder they look massive out of focus :shock: just as well you did not accidently shove Arthur out of the window :-p
I still think it was a UFO after your cat :cool:

That could have been Saturn as that is up there at the moment as well, unless it was the star Altair? this is what is up there at 2am

I think Jupiter might have set by that time…sets at 00:17am

All I know is, it appeared approx 2mm to the naked eye.

(the rest of me was naked too but the less said about that the better)

I have no charts or online data for that I am relieved to say :shock:

That’s reassuring. :lol:

I can supply you of some if you wish Colin…:wink:

Oh dear! Are they still available online. :shock:

I also visited the loo at about three in the morning Longdogs and took a walk into the kitchen that faces South, and was surprised to see the same large bright star laying low in the sky…:shock:

Too cloudy at three last night though…:frowning:

Oh YES…:smiley:

I’m concerned now we might meet one night fox :shock:

Yes Longdogs, our Bladders seem to be co-ordinated…:wink:

Some more times here, up to August 1st.

It is worth noting that it’s advisable to check times for your specific area as in the south you are sometimes able to see bonus sightings that aren’t visible further north, as happened last night. I had a good sighting at 21.37, 6 mins at 60° yet Colin, who is in the North East, didn’t even have it listed. Apparently it was too light up there still as the sun set 20 minutes later there than here. And sometimes although it’s visible in the south it’s too low for the north.

These times are for Birmingham…

Look here for accurate sightings…

Tonight’s times for Thursday is…

10:21pm there is a good chance of seeing the Space Station for Six Minutes!

Then it is back at 11:58pm for 4 minutes

Managed to get an excellent sighting last night, watched it right across the sky…