Seeing the International Space Station

Our weather here looks good for tomorrow so fingers crossed yours will be as well, Mups :smiley:

I donā€™t think there are many left in the current batch but it will be back! problem is it might be at a less sociable hourā€¦

Yes, I do hope so Mags.
Weā€™ll see ey. :slight_smile:

10:03pm tonight for 6 minutes then itā€™s back atā€¦
11:41pm for a low pass lasting 2 minutes

Thanks for the reminder DWebb :slight_smile:

Itā€™s a beautiful, perfect evening here at the mo, so if it stays like this, I will do my best to see it again tonight.
Thanks DW. :slight_smile:

That second sighting at 11.41 is really low, I for one will have to change my viewing position to see it (assuming it stays clear that is).

My pleasure :slight_smile: the second one might be tricky to see, especially up here in the North, I might have to my ladder and stilts out :-p

Pouring with rain here - so donā€™t think I will see it tonight.

Same here :frowning: I have two Hopes, Bob Hope and No Hope :cool: still there is tomorrow to try, I hope the others get to see it anyway :-p

Re; The airshow.

I heard a very loud plane go over this afternoon but could not see it. I realised I needed to be at the front of the house so I went running to the front window, just at the same time a rather attractive lady was going past wearing very short shorts.

I have no idea what the plane was. :lol:

did you get a photo Longdogs?..:shock::shock::shock:

I donā€™t know if these transit times for the Red Arrows at Exeter are any use for tomorrowā€¦

YES. Perfect. A beautiful, warm, clear night here.
Saw it gliding over a treat just after 10 pm, will try and catch the later one too.

I may catch a glimpse of the Arrows when they are around Silverstone, but I may not be quite close enough. Weā€™ll see.
What time will that be, I didnā€™t understand the time tables?

Excellent Stuff :-p I got the times confused with tomorrows so did not look at the right time :blush: but I suspect it would be cloudy anyway!

Drat! I was looking forward to seeing it earlier then was distracted for a moment and I missed it :frowning:

Iā€™m hoping to get a glimpse of the 11:41 sighting though :slight_smile:

They are confusing! looking at that it seems to be 5:03pm, if I am reading it properly

It is so easy to get distracted or as I did get the wrong time :blush:

:041: Had a good view of it tonight, thanks to Mr Mags spotting it first. Itā€™s a lovely clear night and it showed up a treat ā€¦ i was surprised how quickly it disappeared after 2 minutes :lol:

Bugger. I was talking on here and forgot the late one Mags. :slight_smile:
Never mind, at least I saw the earlier one.

When I lived in England in the early 1960s the Daily Telegraph used to publish each day the times and location of every satellite that passed over Britain that night.

In those days there were only about six (a dozen?) satellites in total. These days you only have to stare at any patch of sky for long enough to see one. Personally I find the Iridium flares the most interesting but get in now because they are soon to disappear.