Sean Connery has died

The best Bond ever. May angels fly him safely home.

He was excellent in ‘The man who would be King’, despite having to act with the plank - Michael Caine, and I loved ‘The name of the Rose’.

He could certainly play up the comedy. Deffo the best 007 ever. RIP Sean.

What a wonderful life he would have had . It feels funny when someone I’ve known through TV, films and documentaries dies, makes me realise my age and how short my own life is

Safe journey Mr Connery

RIP Sir Sean,a real Gent.

Wow! Nobby Stiles & Sean Connery lost in the same month.

Our defences are down!


Mention James Bond and I think of Sean Connery despite all the others who played the part.

RIP sean

And Bobby Ball too. :cry:

Best Bond ever!

Sad to see him go … he was the best James Bond.
A good innings though, at 90.

2020 is a bad year … Honor Blackman has died, so did Diana Rigg and so did Margaret Nolan, who had the distinction, in Goldfinger, of having a gold painted body.

I always thought that was Shirley Eaton … so I checked - Shirley did, in fact, play Jill Masterson and ended up as the gold-painted naked body on the bed, while Margaret was the gold-painted bikini-clad beauty in the opening credits … interesting … :smiley:

Confusing hey … to be remembered for your gold painted body whilst people confuse your actual name.

Guess it just shows what people look at most - bodies or names! :slight_smile:

I always think of him as Richard the Lionheart .

Numbers at it again, RIP Mr Connery.

Sad day. A very classy guy.

Me too although Roger Moore was a really good one too.

I was watching clips yesterday and while I knew he was a good looking bloke I didnt realise how handsome Sean really was, he was very sexy too swooningly sexy. :blush:

Roger Moore, Pierce brosnan and Daniel Craig all said that Sean Connery was the best bond…and I think I might have to change my opinion too, although I liked Moore I think Connery was the best…

Well, I knew that the (apparently) nude body on the bed was the well-known (and lovely) Shirley Eaton … :wink:

who had appeared in many “Carry On” (and similar) films and who I first ‘encountered’ in “The Saint”:

I was, at the time, far less interested in the unknown bikini-clad body:

although I have discovered Margaret Nolan appeared in an early episode of the saint and pursued a similar (but later) career path to that of Shirley.

From 21 years ago

Yes, l knew it was Shirley Eaton too but that’s because l saw the film in the cinema when it came out.
I think the reason Morticia and maybe others who are a lot younger than us, can be forgiven for being confused to knowing it was Shirley Eaton.
It was before their time!