Scottish wild beaver numbers expand rapidly

Nice one Zaphod, I like that!
A Scot but living in Lincs., I didn’t realise that from your profile!
:+1: :grinning:

Aye, my surname would make it obvious (but sadly not the accent) and we plan to move back as a family in 4 or 5 years time.
All being well of course.

My best mate was Scottish, he had lived ‘down south’ for around 30 years. His accent, although not as broad as it once was, could still be heard. Sadly, like a lot of others though, he’s no longer with us. :frowning_face:

Hope all goes well for you Zaphod and your plans to return ‘home’ as a family work out OK.

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Nice one :+1::+1::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::+1::+1:

It sounds daft maybe, but I miss the hills.
Not having seen wild (or even mildy irritated) beavers I don’t miss them though.

No, not daft at all. I moved from my county of birth which had a totally different landscape with hills, valleys and fields, to one that is totally flat, hardly any hills and just acres and acres of agricultural fields. Nice, quiet and very rural but all but those hills and valleys are what I miss too. :frowning_face:

I’ve seen many documentaries on Scotland and the landscape there is really amazing. The smaller islands too, not that I’ve ever seen any of it for real though. :grinning:

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