Say Something Random

Can you hear me Muther?

Do you know, the Pianos on my foot?

You hum it, i’ll pick it up.

Mornin All. :icon_wink:

…and it’s a good morning from me…

The Hostess with the Mostess

good morning hostess

Shoulda got cats and not dogs. Cats walk themselves.

Meow means wuff in cat language :slight_smile:

Cats play too wuff for me.

Catwoman is sexy, not sure about Dogwoman.

It’s all a matter of trial and error I guess.

Nah, it’s about perception, then conception. :icon_wink:

But let’s not condemn contraception!

what contraption

The one we always called “The Cap”

doffs cap, do they still do that

I think most of them got lost in transit.

It’s best to avoid the contortion.

Ok. EZ has left the building. Whooooosh.