Say something boring

Your sick dog?

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I wasn’t certain.

He’s still the same- the meds are keeping the worst of it at bay.

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I have a foot problem, hardly surprising @ 30000 paces a day, it’s the income stream, I get bored when I ain’t earning.

Shall I reload the toilet roll dispenser?
Nah… tomorrow can wait.

Can your Bowels?

check your poo!!

Yep it’s still there

Harry and Megan.

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Boring wood wasps

Friends - the comedy series…

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Midsummer Murders - who needs chamomile tea

Time to mow the lawn. Actually cut the grass, the lawn is a wee bit of a lie.

Charge the phone

What has happened to all the particle bashing?

I watch Coronation Street…


I’m watching the grass grow 🫠

I’m waiting on hold for a customer service rep manager. doo de doo :musical_note:

Lighter mornings = Earlier dog walking, Now where’s my coffee?