Russia Issues Ominous Warning to Finland, Sweden Should They Join NATO

I hope Ukraine will be the end of it, but let us remember that Putin is mad and unpredictable.

Thank you so much Annie. I know we are all concerned about this evil man’s mind, and what might happen, and it scares me too. It is just that I would prefer it not to take over so many different sections of the forum with each new thread started.
Politics or Controversial would be great though as I honestly don’t think it belongs in the General.
Thanks again. :hugs:


@JBR … I don’t think he’s mad or unpredictable.
I think he’s got nerves of steel, is ruthless and a natural tactician and is ‘the end justifies the means’ type of mentality. He does nothing without a good reason.

Is he ambitious enough to truly provoke a war?
Probably because all the traits he owns which make him a dangerous enemy also require a great degree of arrogance and invincibility … he’ll rely on the ‘other side’ backing down.

That’s why he issued that threat yesterday to anyone who interferes … he was making it known beforehand that he was not going to be backed into a corner and so aimed to back us into the corner first.
Biden, or anyone else for that matter, could hardly threaten military reprisals after that.

I used to think of him this way Morti but something seems to have changed. He seems…possessed. Thinking of the chucky doll in those awful films when I see him on telly. Ugh

Yep. I’d agree with that.
It shows in his facial expression.

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Do you think … I have to say I’ve never seen anyone with such a deadpan, emotionless, controlled face … he’s expressionless.


It’s changing though in his most recent broadcast he was almost foaming at the mouth. I’m not sure whether he has been ill. He doesn’t look his old self at all. Which is even more worrying really.

That’s what KGB officers learn at an early age: hiding emotions and making sure that your counterpart can’t read your face.

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Psychopathic face

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I wonder what the consequences would be if someone managed to get close enough to him to shoot him dead.
The killer would in turn be killed, of course, and someone else would quickly step into Putin’s shoes, but would that then be an end to his expansionist intents?

Some of the Swedes are split too. My wife’s remaining family are divided as to NATO so could the future could look bleak :man_shrugging:

Yes, I understand that Sweden is a neutral country, but then so is Ukraine. I hope they don’t expect Russia to respect that.

Then there’s Finland which I believe has been under the Russian thumb through recent history. They are probably feeling a little uneasy.

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Lying in bed, this morning, reading the news on my galaxy Tab, I kept getting this very powerful ‘Diatribe’ spoken in what might a very loud, and demanding Ukraine Accent.

It was about reasons why the Ukraine MUST be allowed to join NATO/EU.

It was so pushy that reset my thinking, a bit, about the Ukraine.

Anyone else heard it yet?

I wish we had a real life James Bond and just like the sketch on Red Nose Day the queen could call him in regarding Putin…off with his head. Problem solved :slight_smile:

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Yes, we need at least one of his less supportive generals to give him a rapid dose of lead poisoning🤬

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