Rock Ballads / songs

no problem Minx
Just enjoy… :yum:

Marillion ~ Kayleigh I have not heard in such a long time - thanks

Lavender ~ Marillion

Such good memories. I totally forgot this band existed

So thankful @Roj_Blake

Season’s End - beautiful

Update: Afraid of Sunlight - really endearing

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This one is so beautiful- thanks Roj

That Ace I like.Apparently he was singing about another band member working with others not a lost love.

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This really good Psmith. Thanks for the background

Roj always chooses well. As do you.

Seems my taste in music is vanilla. I’m always learning something new

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Thanks Psmith

I love trivia,thank goodness for the internet. :nerd_face:

Well I never after all these years

Although widely interpreted as being about adultery, the song was in fact composed by lead singer Paul Carrack upon discovering that bassist Terry Comer had been secretly working with the Sutherland Brothers and Quiver.[6] The ‘friends with their fancy persuasions’ cited in the lyrics are said to be in reference to the Sutherland Brothers and Quiver’s management.[7]

From Wikipedia

Well, one learns something new everyday!

I just love that about music @Psmith thanks

Soft rock or ballad


Both I’d say …

I’m presuming Minx won’t know this one.But Brits of a certain age would have heard it played by John Peel nearly every night.

Psmith, nope I didn’t hear this one - ever but I’m listening now :slight_smile:
It’s really great! Teenage dreams


Appleogies if they have been done before.

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