I’m being misquoted here.
Oligarch (temporarily out of favour).
multimillionaire wives of the subcontinent, come to London, we welcome you with open arms.
@d00d , yeah l did misquote you, sorry about that
But l think you you get my gist!
I would also disagree that the ‘city of london’ is well respected ?
Once upon a time maybe ?
If tax is a big International Business opportunity, are we doing enough to get other Countrys’ tax payers to pay it over here rather than wherever else they get the best deal?
I see that he is indicating that it is the Labour party that is stirring this up but others have pointed at Tories who are out to get him.
Either way the super rich will always do whatever it takes to keep hold of their dosh.
He is right too … Thornberry has been chirping again this morning!
Ah but where is the Labour party getting their info from, obviously the Tories cannot do anything overtly and Labour are too useless not to have not been prompted.
This is why it is not a good idea to have a super rich guy in charge of
countries finances, he can make or break the rules to suit his rich buddies !!
Utter bollocks! Anyone breaking the rules will stand out and be picked out from the line up immediately.
A person’s wealth has nothing to do with rule breaking or showing favouritism.
This whole affair was blatant opportunism aimed at a minister’s wife🤬
Exactly 100% right on the button.
When it comes down to it, if you look closely enough, most of the Labour Party’s funds in recent years have come from non-doms. For example, Lord Noon, nicknamed the ‘Curry King’ donated nearly £1million for Labour but gave up his non-dom status when he joined the House of Lords. Then there’s Sir Ronald Cohen, an Egyptian-born businessman who gave £2.5million in donations to Labour.
@LongDriver ,Whilst l agree that this whole affair is being used for
political reasons LD, I Stand by my assertion that super rich should not be
in positions of influence due to the fact that that that in this case Rishi is able to
influence policy on matters involving tax laws etc !which means that he is
able to increase or decrease the tax liability of himself and others who may
be lobbying himormare just friends even !
It can be seen that high “earners” in UK have to several years enjoyed an
advantage over the rest of us by moving their offices to other places
whilst still gathering all their profits from the UK?thus ’ avoiding ’ paying the
same % of tax that lesser mortals have to pay? this system is at present
legal’ !How can this be ? It can only be that the upper echelons of our
society want it to be so!
Even the treasury must be involved in this because for decades now they
have promised to ( come down on these Dodgers)but for decades have
failed to do so?
The sums are simple 30% for a labourer should translate to30% for a queen ???
… and I stand my my “utter bollocks” statement. In this democarcy, we cannot dictate who can be up for election as an MP and from that list of elected MP’s who the PM places into cabinet positions.
@LongDriver , Hee Hee! Maybe you are one of them then ?
The system is rigged!!
It needs changing !!
If the system was rigged, then Corbyn would still be leader of the opposition. As soon as he was seen as a liability, his arse was turfed out and replaced with Starmer’s. If the system was rigged, the Tories would have made sure Corbyn stayed as Labour’s leader.
Sunak and Murty, who own a £5.5m Californian penthouse holiday home, held green cards while they lived in the US and continued to keep the status when they moved to the UK before Sunak was elected as MP for Richmond in North Yorkshire in 2015. Sky News first reported that Sunak continued to hold a green card for at least a year of his chancellorship, which began in 2020.
The Treasury and Murty’s personal spokesperson did not respond to requests for comment. A source close to the couple said “they do not currently have green cards”, but would not say exactly when they gave up the status which requires holders to “make the US your permanent home”.
The disclosure raises further awkward questions for the chancellor – who has said his multimillionaire wife had claimed non-dom status, which allows her to avoid UK tax on her foreign earnings, because she one day intended to return to live in India.
Holders of green cards are required to pay US tax on their worldwide income – and also to make a legal commitment to “make the US your permanent home”.
They are required to file annual US tax returns, and are “responsible for reporting your income and paying taxes on any foreign earned income”.
Sunak earlier told the Sun that Murty “loves her country like I love mine”, and said she had always been domiciled in India. He said she was entitled to use the non-dom arrangement as she was an Indian citizen and planned to move back to her home country to care for her parents.
So, it seems that Murty chooses her “domiciles” like ships choose flags of convenience …
To balance the anti-Sunak rhetoric on here, why don’t you accuse Steven Kinnock of the same thing? He is domiciled in Switzerland while working as a shadow cabinet minister. It’s been said that Kinnock is one of parliament’s richest MPs, and he hasn’t paid a single bean in income tax.
I can believe that his ma and pa raked in a goodly amount too both being Members of the European Parliament aka the gravy train .
Let’s face it: none of us like paying tax. And paying tax twice (on what you earn & on what you spend). I’ve never earnt much but tax avoidance is/was a healthy and legal pastime. If you want to give more, you have the choice of working in a soup kitchen or donating to charity (you get tax relief on the latter).
If you are a non resident you pay tax on any income arising from the U.K. .
Just been said on the radio that from now on she is going to pay UK taxes and has made a statement, have tried to google it, but as it’s breaking news it’s not in print yet.
I hope Steven Kinnock does the same now.