Some very interesting replies.
The vast majority of Social Housing in the UK is not Council Owned, it is now owned by Housing Associations, which are treated very differently from Council Housing.
The Government have recently changed the rules on Council Housing.
A long and complicated read, but worth it.
The vast majority of Council Housing was transferred to Housing Associations, the Government did not want Councils to be landlords, partially due to the fact that many Council Houses were so poorly repaired that they were either unfit for human habitation or prejudicial to health.
Councils cannot prosecute themselves, so many tenants had no legal rights.
This was wrong and it was stopped.
Maggies Right to Buy was brutal, but it worked.
There were flaws in the system, especially when it came to New Towns.
Most of the money from the sale of any properties or land went straight back to the Treasury,.
In lots of cases the Councils only got 10% of the income from sales and were left with long term loans from |Central Government at a fixed rate of 15 %.
Maggie is Marmite, love it or hate it.
She was however very, very, clever and did not miss a trick.
She got the job done and stitched up the extreme left wing councils so they had to sell.
She was also a realist, so much less extreme than some of the views on here.
She recognised that for a small number of people, they needed Social Housing.
Those who were so disabled they could not apply for a private Tenancy or manage it.
She allowed the provision of this under very strict restrictions.
Rents shot up when properties were transferred to the Private Sector.
This resulted in a huge rise in Housing Benefit and a shortage of Key Workers in expensive areas.
NHS Staff, Police and Fire left in droves from the expensive Tory Areas to the cheaper areas.
So she allowed Key Worker Housing to sort this.
She was not going to lose votes.
The limit was 199 properties per Council for those unable to get and maintain a private sector tenancy and for key workers.
The Law has now changed to reflect the rise in Private rental charges.
Key Workers would need huge pay rises to live and provide services in London and the South East.
Far cheaper to allow limited Social Housing for certain groups than to privatise everything.
Just my personal view, I know others will disagree.