Right to buy

Not something I agreed with from the very start. If you want to buy then go to the private sector, leave Council Houses for the people who need them, I was glad when it was stopped in Scotland and I hope it’s not restarted again. It caused some real rows on housing estates here, between the haves and have nots.


Why did it cause rows Rox ?
The one thing noticeable by all is that when people buy their council house they tend to take more care of it .This should not cause rows but will improve the neighbourhood and the council will not have the upkeep .


It was on my sons estate, a good many of the people who bought started to look down on the ones who were still renting, for whatever reason. Rubbed their noses in it and reminded them that they only rented while others now owned their house. Reported the tenants for any sort of reason, moaned if their gardens were not done, were told they were a disgrace to the street and it would affect the property price if someone wanted to sell. All silly wee annoying things, it caused some real rows, and left a very nasty taste.

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The trouble is Rox that there is some truth in all this .
If you rent privately you have to keep the property and garden in good nick some certainly not all council tenants think they are too good to do their own garden and of course this will annoy people who do .
Usually you can spot some council properties by their unkempt ness in comparison to the bought ones . It’s not about money it’s attitude it’s doesn’t cost much to mow the lawn of bring in the bins or kids toys . Again I say some not all council tenants think the council is responsible for everything .

I’ve just thought of something that Muddy’s post about gardening jolted free in my brain box. There’s a single bloke who lives opposite to us who still rents his bungalow from the local housing association. He gets his lawns (back and front) mowed for him by the Council’s gardens dept. free of charge. I pay a bloke £12.50/hr to mow mine.

Unless someone is disabled I don’t see why the council should mow their lawns
This was never done in the past .My son has a small tree surgery company and sometimes does jobs for the local council . Ie removing a tree or dangerous branch .
Some times his men have received abuse from residents who want them to do garden maintenance while they are near as if it was their right as council tenants !

He’s not disabled as far as I can tell.

My brother worked for housing 21 before he retired . He is a carpenter .
He was on call and sometimes had to go out to mend doors that had been kicked in by tenants at all hours of the night .I am afraid these incidents give council tenants most of whom are probaby hard working respectable people a bad name .

AT Surely a private landlord would not have to sell his property to his tenant because they wanted to buy it.

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Exactly … :+1:

Some of the views posted on this thread from the "have’s " regarding the “have not’s” are undeniably snobbish … :-1:

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Would depend on any legislation. In any eventually it will be a tin of worms.

No it’s doesn’t not all of the ‘ have nots ‘ are lazy slobs who can’t cut their own lawn .They are not all saints either some are entitled malcontents who bear a grudge against anyone who takes a little pride in their neighbourhood .
A council property should be treated with the same respect as any other .
If you rent privately you have to leave a large sum of money to safeguard against damage this is not expected of council tenants ( usually because they are have nots ) but I see no reason why some council tenants appear to think everything should be done for them .

But it’s not just Council or Housing Association tenants though, it’s an increasingly common attitude by so many UK residents now. The Entitled Generation (s). Maybe the deportation of Rubber Boat Criminals to African crap holes should be expanded to include the workshy and low life from the UK

@The_Artful_Todger , l think your view of things is distorted by your
financial position Todger, you should look on any assistance given to
poorer people as restitution for the robbery that has taken place in earlier
generations ??
Donkeyman! :frowning::frowning:

Would you like to enlarge on that Donkeyman ?
As someone who was brought up in very frugal circumstances I would like to know what restitution is due and what was robbed ?

Well I don’t - so ya boo sucks.

@Muddy , Well, the land for a start !!
Donkeyman! :frowning::frowning:

I grew up in a council house. 3 bed semi with a massive garden. Really solidly built and very spacious. Everybody up our road looked after their houses and kept the gardens and hedges neat and tidy.

I vividly remember my Dad showing me the rent book and tenancy agreement listing all the things we had to do like keeping it in good condition, not neglecting the garden, not allow dogs to bark and annoy people and even stuff like not keeping anything other than chickens in the garden. Tenants knew they could be evicted so they all looked after their homes. Also because the rent man came round he would report anything not up to scratch to the council offices.

As far as I am aware no regular checks are made on LA homes around here now.

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They are not made that way anymore Flower with lovely long gardens .
In a village near us the council have just demolished an entire street of older council houses. On the plot of one house alone they have built five terraced houses .They are small but are homes for five families instead of one .Won’t be growing many veg in their tiny gardens though .

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A bit off topic but just found these tiny places for homeless people in London and thought what a lovely idea. It was modelled on alms houses .