Pond Removal

Good for you Pasta.

If I may ask, how big are your tadpole containers?

Brrrr… just been outside measuring them :smiley:

One is:
2’ x 16" x 14" Deep

Same but lower ie 8" deep

Ideally, they should have been larger, but I didn’t think getting them any bigger would help me move them nor be good for them jumping out.

Thanks Pasta.

Not claiming any expertise, of course, but I’m sure they’ll be alright, especially since when tadpoles grow too big for that environment they’ll have grown up and become able to live out of water - I think!

I’d put some plants or bricks or something in there to help them get out when they want to, though. I think I once made a wooden ramp in our pond for that reason, although I can’t say I ever saw them using it!

Well, the first container I did put stones in (which made it hard to lift) and intend to put a rock in for them to leap out on when the chaps get the rocks out of the pond.

The 2nd container I’m waiting till Monday to put rocks in.

Yes, there are plants in both containers. Little sods have to eat plus they rest on the plants too :wink:

I feel quite sad that this will be the last time I’ll have frogs and tadpoles, but if it works out to be successful in rearing the taddies perhaps I might just bury one of the containers into the soil and see what happens. A sort of mini pond in the same area where they’ve been used to having their rock parties and orgies. :mrgreen:


I think they only use water in which to breed, so perhaps that’s a good idea and won’t take up too much of your garden.