Playlist : 70s songs

When is the deadline for quotes then? :mantelpiece_clock:

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When the bubble bath water gets cold and your skin gets all shrivelled up on your palms and feet :cold_face:


I’ve liked that post as well as quoted it, Minx, because my confidence is growing. :sunglasses:

Is this a British thing cause I don’t understand what you’re saying Harbal :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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This definitely belongs here

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I’m just saying I am getting to know how things work, and I’m getting braver about clicking on things to see what they do. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Gosh Harbal. Okay that makes sense.
A kind soul recently said to me that this is the problem with conversation that isn’t face to face. Sometimes it’s lost in translation


Back to the music

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IMHO 70s music was better than the 80s

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:+1: :+1:

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I’m going to have to re-do my temporary section playlist

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You’ll be busy for the whole weekend .