Play station

And other consoles.

Do you play on any?

I used to play on the Nintendo Wi.

My son has also bought the latest Nintendo and Play Station.

I’m yet to find time to play on the Nintendo that he has set up in his home for me.

Anyone play on any of these consoles or any other?

Can’t say I’ve ever seen one…let alone ever played one :anguished:

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years ago I use to play The Tomb Raider ,Lara Croft

It might be something to do again this winter.

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It’s the Nintendo Switch my son has, I like playing on the super mario games, those have always been my favourite.

I don’t like the horror ones.

My 3 sons had consoles growing up, that’s how I was introduced to them, you have to be careful though, children can become quite addicted to playing them.

it was from my son playing that i got in to it , he would ask me to get him to the next level while he was at school. I think a lot of school children had playstation , and would compete with each other at what level they were at .

Edit to say we still have the playstation 1 , but newer models came out and each new one would not play the last video games .It was a way of making you spend more

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No, I have never been into gaming.
Zaphod junior however is, and is moving from gaming consoles towards PC gaming.

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Me too, Eliza I blame my sons,:joy::joy:

I must say I do enjoy playing them as you say especially during the winter…I love mario, not keen on mario kart though.:grin:

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I am an avid gamer, I have the latest ps5, I play every night online with other gamers,

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My son plays with other gamers as well Primus,:+1::+1:

He is also a dealer in the old consoles.

My son had XBox Kinect now he has the PlayStation console.

The only games I ever played were the XBox games with the motion detector- usually motion sports eg sking and my favourite JUST DANCE! So motion detector games a big thumbs up!


I quit buying consoles years(PS1) ago when I found I could play everything I wanted to on my computer.