Pinged by NHS App

I was pinged tonight as unfortunately my nieces partner tested positive yesterday and he was at our house on Saturday. I’m worried about him as he has cystic fibrosis so I’m praying it doesn’t get bad. He has had both his jabs but that doesn’t always stop some people becoming ill. So far so good though just a metallic taste in his mouth and he was ringing wet when he woke up, our Debbie thought he’d peed the bed it was that wet!

I’ve done a lateral test and its negative so fingers crossed it stays that way. John had covid tests in hospital and so far he’s clear too. He doesn’t need covid on top of his injuries. I wish flipping Covid would do one.

So I have to isolate although I am doing anyway as I’m not fit enough to go out yet.

Gosh, I’ve just realised, I’m full of doom and gloom lately aren’t I.

Stay safe all


Goodness, you’re having it rough right now.

I think you’re amazing. I really do. You have my respect LQ.

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My friend was pinged too and he did the test every few days and they were all negative - hoping yours will be too, but also glad that it will ‘force’ you to rest - hope you get well soon LQ :blush:


It has been known to pick up someone next door through the wall who has been nowhere near them,
Someone were Mrs,p works was pinged even though her phone was in her locker someone with a positive result was near her phone so it pinged it…

sounds very sensitive and accurate? more to the grist

I have been receiving “pings” on my ServiceNSW app on an almost daily basis, at the moment I have at least 10 notifications:

They indicate that at some shop/supermarket I visited an infected person was logged in at the same time as me