Pets and Hygiene

Dogs have owners - Cats have staff. 'Tis a well known cliche but even cliches are sometimes true!

We don’t allow our dog on the bed he never tries to get on .
( he does however sleep with my grandchildren if he goes to their house )
Mr M has bad enough hay fever without a big hairy dog on the bed .
in this hot weather mungo won’t even sleep in his own bed but prefers the floor .
He has never even tried to jump on the sofa .
I wash my dogs food bowl with hot water and just change the water daily . But he has also buckets outside where he prefers to drink .

We never leave the house without poop bags . I pooper scoop even in the fields as dogs feces can carry Neosporin which is fatal to cows and this is farming country .

I had to google that Muddy. :slight_smile:

Apparently Neosporin is a drug? It seems our dogs can this from eating a cows placenta which is infected.

" Dogs can become infected with Neospora after eating the afterbirth of an infected cow, and the eggs shed in their faeces and left in fields …"[/I]

I’d never heard of it before you said.

I spelt it wrong Mups I meant neospora

I dont know enough about this, Muddy.
I thought they got it from cows, not gave it to cows.
I shall bow to your knowledge on this though. :slight_smile:

I first saw it highlighted on countryfile a couple of years back .
But farmers in this area have also complained about people not picking up their dogs poo where stock grazes

its in quite a lot of animals and dogs can catch it from infected cows too but dogs are the most common host animal and can shed infections on the grass which the cow eats .

. Neosporosis is one of the most common causes of bovine abortion, especially in intensively farmed cows.

Thanks Muddy.
I’d never heard of it.

No to dogs or cats in bed, on the covers is ok for a short while but unless you’d be happy to sleep in a cats or dog’s bed why would you be happy for them to share yours?

The cats have our kitchen island worktop for their food. This is a compromise for safety reasons because the dog cannot have access to their food (he would wolf it down and then be sick). There is no food prepared on that surface and it’s cleaned regularly. The food bowls are washed separately from other dishes in the sink and the dish sponges and brushes are not used for that.

I’m really careful of always washing my hands if I touch any animal. Animals can pick up all sorts of diseases outside that may be harmless to them but could cause irritation or illness in humans. I don’t approve of dogs licking people’s faces. Not just because the human could catch something from the dog, but also the dog could catch something from us. I know people kiss their dogs and all sorts but it’s not necessary to get that close.

Also in terms of plates and cutlery - if you wouldn’t eat from the dog or cat bowl why would you let a pet eat from your plate?

Sorry Silver Tabby. I missed this before. They wouldn’t leave their dogs. When we first met them they only had the one dog who wasn’t fixed and their dog kept going after our small girls which they found cute and funny. Us? Not so much. :twisted:

We have 2 golden retrievers, they don’t go upstairs because being retrievers they pick up any object so they’re not allowed. But there’s nothing wrong in doing so if they have regular flee treatment like ours. They are allowed on the settee and chairs but I have covers on them so that they can be washed. They don’t beg for food because we give them a little bit after but only the dinner and it’s only potatoes and a bit of meat and no gravy. They have their own bowls and that’s all that I use if i give them something.

Yesterday, I was out shopping looking for a litter tray cleaner. You need from time to time to give the litter trays a good scrub lol!

And… Bleach isn’t the answer as your feline friend will go have a sniff, run away and go do his/her business somewhere else that might surprise you no less than WHAT???

So, I found this huge bottle for under a fiver

Smells amazing and does the job. Now both his litter trays are safe for my wee furball kittoo.

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Well I must be doing something right, as far I am concerned, the Dog hasn’t caught anything yet :grin:

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We gave Max dry food and water. Same with our new dog. We let the dog go outside in the garden and collect it with poo bags and bin the refuse bin.


We don’t mind our dogs licking our face, i wash their bowls after i wash the rest of the washing up. They don’t go on our beds, only because we wouldn’t have any room for us. Also our first Goldie always picked a lot of things up and run off with them. I have covers for the settee and chairs so i can wash them when they get dirty.

That was mildly amusing Spitty :smiley:

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