Part-time workers to face benefit cuts if they don't look for more work

Pretty sure it’s the basic rate.

Anyway, what guarantee is there that a drop in corporation tax will lead to higher basic wages? You ran a business and I genuinely would like to know roughly how it works.

Do they pay holiday pay if you work a 9 hour shift in a week? Oh I didn’t know that.

Dext to tell you the truth I haven’t digested it all as yet. I’ve been busy doing other things. I know they’ve lowered the corporation tax that Rishi brought in and I personally agree with that. They’ve also lowered the personal tax for employees which I also think is good, more money to be spent.

I was self-employed and when we had the supermarket can’t remember having to pay corporation tax on that, we had an accountant who sorted that sort of thing out and it was in 1987 and only for about eighteen months.

As a landlord do you have to pay corporation tax?

Nope. My income is considered as personal rather than business income. No idea what the letting agency I use pays from their cut, but then again that is a bona fide company with employees and presumably a turn over that affects VAT stuff, I guess?

Dext not really sure how corporation tax works or who is liable to pay it. We had employees when we ran the supermarket, but am pretty sure we didn’t pay corporation tax. I’ve also had a publication where I sold advertising, paid VAT as it was beneficial to me and didn’t have to pay corporation tax with that either. I had an accountant for both of those ventures.

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Okey dokey @wendeey. Last question…if you’re not au fait with the effect of corporation tax on wage variations, then surely you’re not really in a position to make comments such as:

“And I agree with what the Tories are now doing, allowing companies to pay less tax so they can raise the wages of their workers, and that means that the workers are paying more tax.”

Unless I’m getting mixed up. Which is entirely possible!!

Sorry I should have said the companies can increase wages if they so wish. The problem is that there are so many different companies all with varying degrees of profits, different amount of employees, etc. You probably have one sort of company in your mind and I have a different one.

I’m just going by what I’ve heard companies on the radio say today.

Like with furlough some companies paid the furlough money back, some didn’t. Some companies have given their employees wage increases, some haven’t

Some companies will use that money to increase their employees wages, some companies will use that money to expand their company with the result of employing more people.

There’s no one size fits all.

You could ask every member on this site if they won the lottery what they would do with the money and they would all be different.

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Okey dokey. Let’s hope all relevant companies pass the higher wages on then and thus increase individuals’ spending power, which is surely a major part of the game plan?

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Yup that or expanding their business. Both as equally as important. But, no, not all companies will do those things, but that’s life, we’re all different.

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Where we diverge would seem to be that you won’t berate nor worry about the effect of those who do neither but prefer to feather their own nest even more.

The of that happening are, I would guess, a googol to 1 against … :man_shrugging:

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Dext that’s because that would be on their conscience not mine and I care about my blood pressure too much to even think about them. There are so many different reasons why one person is more generous than another. Also I know companies do a lot of charity giving, some more than others, so unless we went through each and every one of them with a fine tooth comb, it would be unfair to judge any one of them.

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Ok @wendeey. I think we can park it there and agree to differ, if that’s ok by you?

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Yup that’s fine with me.

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Well that constituted a lot of woffle.

Bottom line is … if there is 1.2 million unemployed in the country why aren’t they been chased to find work a little more assiduously rather than pick on part timers to extend their hours?

A great many part timers on minimum wage tend to work in coffee bars, takeaways and pubs … because they have a young family to raise and the flexible hours help them juggle both needs on their time.

It’s ironic … I’m not sure which government it was, Tory or Labour. but it doesn’t seem so long ago that everyone was encouraged to work part time rather than full … they called it job share to help get the unemployment figures down.


Morticia they are getting the unemployed to find work as well:

A huge change to Universal Credit is coming next week, which could mean you lose your benefits.

Here is how to avoid that.

From next week, around 115,000 people on Universal Credit will be transferred onto an “intensive work search” regime, from a “light touch” workgroup.

Meaning, that these people will be expected to invest more hours looking for jobs, or take on more hours working.

To avoid being penalised, you may need to spend more time looking for work, or at work.

You can get free child care these days. 2 year olds 15 hours per week. 3-4 year olds 30 hours per week. I know somebody who used to put her kids in child care so she could go out with her mates.


Life is not always as simple as it seems.

You can well live in an area with very limited Public Transport, a car is not always affordable.

If you are on minimum wage childcare is often simply not affordable.

We are very short of workers in two key areas, care and support workers and hospitality.

Care workers do not simply work school hours in walking distance.

They do not only work term times, work should generate income, not leave you worse off.

If we want people back into work, we need to change the system and recognise the problems they face.


This tells it more than words can!


Wait while they start on workers rights, abolishing holidays the 48 hr work time directive, and companies setting their own pay scales