Pairs quiz say what you see 7

7 Carpet

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What is next to the yellow strip of paint.

  1. Pirate
    8 rollercoaster
    10 island
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1 Pirate
2 Icicle
3 Snapchat
4 Cauliflower
5 Jumpstart
6 Skyscraper
7 Carpet
8 rollercoaster
10 island

9 correct answers just No9 stumping you

Any clues for 9 ?

ok got next round ready to go so one big clue we as kids use to build these

First half looks like a security guard. Pic 2 a bit hazy but looks like a small opening an animal might use.
So guard … Den possibly. … Garden ?

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well done 9 Garden … correct

hole is in the ground where fox lives as in den

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Defo got a brain freeze tonight …

You and me both!

well done Tezza

Great Chilli and Tezza

Thanks Feey :slight_smile:

Cheers Feey