Our disappearing Wildlife

I have a dog .
The gaps I leave are hedgehog size only little also good for frogs and toads .

are there any official guides and recommendations that wild life scientists produce regarding british wild life existence and preservation?

You shouldn’t read stuff like that Mups it only depresses you and there is nowt we can do about it. Assuming they are right which I very much doubt. They publish figures which are meaningless and meant to make you despair. Wildlife moves from place to place, sometimes we have lots of house sparrows and hedgehogs, but they move on and are temporarily replaced with other wildlife. It sometimes depends on the weather the previous summer and the availability of food. Unlike humans, if times are hard not so many young are born that season.

There seems to be a growing trend in the media to make us think we are destroying the planet, but you can guarantee that someone somewhere is making a lot of money out of it.

Sorry Foxy my dear, but on this occasion I can’t agree with you about this being misinformation.

They ARE building the HS2, and it WILL destroy more wildlife habitats.
There ARE too many people in this country now.
Grassland and forestry IS disappearing and changing to housing estates and motorways.
And many species of animals and birds really ARE disappearing or at least less in number.

Also I would think the Natural History Museum, and people like David Attenborough, and RSPB (who do the annual Bird Survey) really ought to know what they’re talking about seeing as they study these things daily.

This website contains a lot of knowledge and information :

I have read and heard on numerous occasions, how Bees and other wild pollinators that are essential for our natural world, are disappearing at a terrifying rate

I have been led to believe without these pollinators the damage will/would be devastating, some regard their threat of existence is also a threat to ours

a major reason for the demise in wild birds is the domestic cat. Cats kill more birds per year than any other predature.They are one of the very rare animals that kill for the sake of killing.

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Very true Ben cats are a disaster doe wildlife .
Keep you cat in at night at least .

This is not so , wildlife rarely moves form place to place without a cause usually displacement of habitat by human activity . Sparrows once plentiful have disappeared from many parts of the country they just haven’t moved on .Pesticides used on crops kills insects which are the food supply of many animals . destruction of hedgerows leaves small birds and mammals without homes or protection . Land clearing for building displaces many more .Shooting of animals with lead pellets leads to poisoning of hawks and other predators. We the human species are no friends to wildlife .

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Anyone see the documentary on telly tonight, about the water companies polluting our rivers with sewage?
Apparently it is so much cheaper (so better for their profits) to let the sewage run
into our rivers and seas, than it is to buy the chemicals to purify it instead.
What an utter disgrace.

People swimming in these rivers in the summer have become ill. Fish are dying. Anglers are catching and eating fish from polluted waters. Wildlife is having to drink, feed and rear young in these polluted waters.

They reckon only about 14% of waterways are unpolluted now. 14% !!

This link is from the River Trust. You can check your local area.


Isn’t this why we have elections and vote for govts that are prepared to put a stop to this kind of thing?

Cats are better at killing rats and mice from what I have seen. Humans are the most successful bird predator.

You’re absolutely right they are certainly one of the biggest killers of native animals killing millions every single day. Domestic and Feral cats in Australia kill twice as many animals as foxes the next most deadly specie

Feral cats have already directly contributed to extinctions of more than 20 of our Australian mammals, like the rusty numbat, the desert bandicoot, the broad-faced potoroo and the crescent nailtail wallaby. We will never see these remarkable animals again. And they are implicated in another eight mammal extinctions.

Feral cats put direct pressure on at least 124 Australian species endangered with extinction. Feral cats hunt, kill and eat bilbies, numbats, quokkas, quolls, bandicoots, parrots, lizards, frogs and many other endangered animals. Indigenous rangers in South Australia found an endangered black-footed rock-wallaby in the stomach of a 6.5 kg feral cat. Many Australian animals simply cannot survive where there is predation by feral cats. Feral cats also threaten 19 migratory birds listed under international conventions.

Feral cats can survive anywhere that there is free water. Personally I think all domestic cats in Australia should be de sexed so the animal dies out here but alas that will not happen.



There arer few feral cats here but millionms of domestics. They are and it has been proved the biggest killer of wild birds.

We personally are responsible for keeping out Cats and the wildlife as safe as humanly possible. Feral Cats can be a huge problem and for sure in France this is discretely dealt with.
This links just points out that is not just Cats that are killing off species.

Excuse me while I go out to the garage and select a sturdy length of rope and a rickerty stool…
We’re all doomed!

We had a hedgehog visit our garden a couple of years ago. a big healthy looking adult one. He stayed around for several days, and then disappeared. Our next door neighbour told us the hoggie was now in his garden.

Now here’s the thing: our houses are Victorian terraces, 120 years old, and the gardens are all brick walled, on all sides. We have a back and a side gate, both of which clear the ground by no more than half an inch. There is absolutely nowhere for a hoggie to crawl through - we checked our entire boundary walls, no holes, no broken brickwork, nothing.

So I did a bit of Googling, and it turns out that hedgehogs can climb. Who knew?

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Yes I think you right Mr. Mannering…
Lets be honest, lot of serious issues are Man Made …100% sure of that one.

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@Lindyloo , Have you ever considered that you are living on
the Badgers patch Lindy ?
He probably feels the same about you !
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

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Absolutely not! My house was built in the 1960’s and badgers and badger setts are protected. The sett is in the nature reserve which backs onto my garden and if the badgers aren’t from that sett there are plenty of others in the local area. So if you found something - or indeed someone, came into your garden and ripped your lawn - what would you do? Pat them on the head and say they were welcome? I don’t think so!! There’s protected and there’s protection and there’s being pathetic!

I don’t agree with your methods of “protection” against badgers coming into your garden, or your stance on badgers, sorry. Obviously its your garden, but surely there must be better ways of protecting it other than an electric fence?