Oooops! Radio Active Capsule Lost

Health authorities issued an urgent warning on Friday after the 8-millimetre capsule — which has the potential to cause severe burns — was lost somewhere between a mine site in Newman, in Western Australia’s north, and Perth. A distance of over 1000km.
It was part of a radiation gauge commonly used in the mining industry. Contact can cause severe radiation burns - apparently standing one metre away is the equivalent of 17 chest xrays. They believe it fell through a hole where a bolt had been dislodged after a container collapsed inside the truck.

If you find it don’t pick it up - it is very small

Exciting eh?

Aussie metal detectorists beware!!!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

The capsule has been found

The company responsible faces a $1000 fine. Yep unbelievable!

Unbelievable that something that small was on the back of a truck!!!

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