Wow! Boris must have really peed someone off in the MSM, they are circling like a pack of hounds waiting for the final kill. It just goes to show who really runs this country when the MSM can alter public opinion on a mammoth scale. Well I don’t know about anyone else, but I didn’t vote for the BBC, the Sun, the Guardian or the Daily Mail etc to run this country, but it looks like they do…Or is it like Annie says and all this is just a curved ball to direct your attention away from what is really happening.
While most DWP staff worked from home throughout the pandemic, a “core team” of her private office staff - who have desks in a small area outside her office door - continued to work from the departmental HQ, close to Westminster Abbey.
The Mirror has been told ‘gatherings’ in Ms Coffey’s office throughout the pandemic were an open secret, with one source saying “even during lockdown, there were parties all the time.”
Bottles of wine and beer were routinely found between staff members’ salads and sandwiches in fridges at the department, to be drunk at the informal, late-night soirees.
While the parties were not ‘organised’, staff meetings would often “evolve” into drinking, which would carry on until the early hours of the morning.
Before the pandemic, Ms Coffey was reportedly the host of notorious late night “karaoke sessions” in the Houses of Parliament, which would regularly take place in her Commons office.
The DWP told the Sunday Mirror there was “no karaoke” at the gatherings during the pandemic, but did not deny that late night drinking and mingling took place.
It’s becoming likely that, along with the cocaine traces found throughout the House of Commons, there must be alcohol-stained desks and alcohol-soaked carpets throughout Whitehall and Westminster …
Was this part addressed to me, like your previous reply, Lindy?
If so, I am not even slightly interested in getting into a political argument, but would like to say, for your information, I DO live alone, and DON’T have nearby family who pop in, and DID spend last Christmas alone - and probably will this one as well.
So yes, I have experienced that, thank you.
No - it wasn’t. It was addressed to all the contributors on this thread.
I haven’t got enough interest to understand all the confusing ins and outs of this elaborate forum, so when I want to contribute to a thread I hit reply to last post…probably not the correct thing to do…nothing so bad as to get your knickers in a twist!
That’s ok. It just it seemed to be a sort of P.S. to your previous post so I wondered if you were still talking to me, that’s all, hence my reply to your remark about being on your own.
BTW, I can assure you me knickers aren’t twisted either.
Whilst all of this faff about parties and Secret Santas is going on the country is in a real mess: illegal migration, gas price rises, shortage of lorry drivers, nurses, care home staff etc. the rise in Covid cases - and the list goes on.
What it demonstrates to me is how weak an Opposition we have when all Starmer seemed interested in at PMQs last week was the parties! I would imagine that the majority of folks in this country, although being annoyed about the alleged parties, are more concerned with the other problems I have mentioned.
Yes there are quite a few articles along those lines in the Telegraph too. My point is that if we had a viable Opposition then that would galvanize Tory backbenchers into action because they would be concerned about losing their seats at the next election.
I would like to suggest that everyone on this forum, sends a Christmas Card to Boris at No. 10 saying thanks very much for the party invite, but they won’t be able to attend this year.