Men of a certain age will recall this one…
It may seem like I drink a lot but I don’t… two is my limit and not EVERY weekend either. In any event, it’s far too late in the evening for alcohol I’m a good Minx… most of the time
It takes a lot more than that to offend me
The boys called me Samantha Fox in High school - I wore a jersey every single day even in the African heat for most of my high school years. Boys can be so mean
Dare I ask but was it because of your long flowing hair like Samantha Fox’s .?
And the rest of the time?
No - it wasn’t my hair I mentioned that I wore a jersey for all of my high school years in the African heat so figure it out Sherlock :confused2:
I’m a naughty minx :twisted:
Life’s too short to be good ALL the time
Either that or with age comes boldness - take your pick
This was a huge hit in my High school years
On my playlist