Olympic dingbats 1

10, Diving Board

also one more word needed

10 High diving board

  1. Citi paraplegic games?
  1. High Jump
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  1. Spectators en route
    Speck-taters on route !

I know this is a daft suggestion but I couldn’t resist!
I now have the image of a load of King Edward potatoes lining the Olympic Games procession route - hope they don’t get too close to that Olympic Flame or they may end up being Baked speck-taters! :rofl:

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1 football
2 Faster, higher, stronger
3. Long jump
4 going for gold
6. Opening ceremony
7. High Jump
8 weightlifting
9 Tennis
10 High diving board
13. Inside lane
14. Drug testing
16 Triple jump
18 Spectators on route

correct answers still No5 11 12 15 & 17 left to guess

Hahaha - I thought my guess for number 18 was too daft to be the right answer! :rofl:

  1. To shoot for gold
  1. Sebastian Coe?
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[quote=“Feey, post:26, topic:94375, full:true”]
1 football
2 Faster, higher, stronger
3. Long jump
4 going for gold
6. Opening ceremony
7. High Jump
8 weightlifting
9 Tennis
10 High diving board
11 Sebastian Coe
13. Inside lane
14. Drug testing
16 Triple jump
17. To shoot for gold
18 Spectators on route

correct answers still No5 12 & 15 left to guess

clues to help

5 Hockey
12 where the awards are placed
15 list of 4 are all ??? then word in the middle plus what is the baltic

5 bully off

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  1. I can only see games legacy but I don’t know what that means.
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is correct i also have no idea what it means

just No12 left to guess

medal table

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is also correct and finishes this round
