And another year, I wanted to be President Bill Clinton. Playing up the scandal of Monica, and him liking females on his lap, this year “Bill” had a southern belle with him,
Now another way to get to see and hear our members here! I love to Zoom or Gchat, once I got over looking at myself in the worst light in the corner of the screen.
I am now "get over yourself self conscious " part of things. So happy to hear the Brit accent or the southern Kent part of England! A couple of members here have graciously conversed with me. Having said this, the personalities shine through…
About eight or ten years ago, I made this video for my friends on A Nuther forum.
No mean comments, please. Just in fun…
Absolutely Brill
No messing with this lady.
She says it. Just as it is.
Loved it
@QuintESensual and @Bruce, as you can see, we do have fun!
Thanks guys for the smiles on your faces, and mine.
WOW !!!
If that’s not a Snap-Chat, down memory lane. I don’t know what is.
Some years ago stood for a Local election. Polished my Braces up. County Rag published a picture >>
Picked up by family in Fla. Comment
“Wow Uncle, ya gotta win. You look just like George Bush”
Didn’t win.So
All the way2 the “Bush Pub”. For a flagon of Scrumpy.
WOW! Is right! Forget George Bush, you put the appearance factor to a higher level.
Seriously, competent looking, and someone I’d trust to look out for my interests.
Drooling, and my age has nothing to do with it.
Looking good Quint!
Should have used a Windsor knot and you would have been a shoo in.
Here is another, done about 10 years ago. Again,for an online forum friend from Belgium; he only spoke French, and very little English, and I didn’t speak French. He wanted to hear me speaking, so I made this silly video about me getting a fish tank. I spoke slowly so he might understand some of it. Again, view with a sense of humor. (He quite liked it)
At U Lotsa Lots Lacy.
Good to CU on the block.
Besta besta wishes 4A enjoyable festive season.
Brill CV. Cherub.
No script board reader. No pause to take a breath.
If Websters has a prob with French There’s always >>
No nonsense girl when having something to say…
Well, mostly nonsense but still concise to get my point across.
Spot on.
Rule #1. 4 The enlightened
A Chuckle a day. Keeps Doc Shrink away.
On this forum, we are all friends.
No need to ask every member, simply be polite and be yourself.
Selfie >>
Wishing you. And those Near & Dear.
An enjoyable Primetime Christmas And a happy New Year.