No evidence that masks make any difference. Cochrane Review

So why all the animosity by holier than thou vaccinated folk, against those who refused the jab?


That’s a small demographic compared to… i don’t know… 7 billion people… not a good study and the author is biased

Because Vaccines stop the spread of disease. This isn’t hyperbole, this is factual. See Polio, Varicella, MMR, Bird Flu (in humans only)

Thousands of lives could have been saved from the jab.

Whatever studies say I will still continue to wear my washable mask with a replaceable filter inside .


What? :scream:. Did you even read it? This review looked at evidence from 78 randomised trials with more than 60,000 participants!!

It is the work of the world’s largest and most respected organisation for evaluating health interventions and is recognised as the highest standard in evidence based healthcare.

If it makes you happy then carry on.

The covid vaccine has NOT stopped people from getting covid. Everybody I know who has had covid has been fully jabbed. I got it myself after being fully jabbed.


Quite right.It does not stop you from getting it or spreading it but can lessen the symptoms.And it’s effectiveness wears off after some weeks.It’s prevented some people from being really ill and that’s about it!


Those vaccines are as different as chalk and cheese compared to the Covid 19 vaccine.
They were also strenuously tested.


Stop this logical stuff, immediately.

It will only end in tears. :crying_cat_face:

It won’t happen again.

Good, we don’t want anymore lateral thinkers being vilified.

remember when Dame Jennifer Harries (public health physician, Chief Exec of UK Health security agency and head of HNS Test & Trace) initially said that face masks were unnecessary and might even be harmful and make matters worse? After a few weeks Govt thinking had altered and masks WERE required.

Likewise Dr Sarah Jarvis the TV GP who was never off our screens telling js masks were a waste of time then she vanished and came back saying we had to wear masks. I feel sure the other TV GP Dr Hilary Jones was the same.

RoseRed, that initial statement was because there were not enough masks for frontline staff, once they were fully equipped masks became important again, I despair.

If you knew with absolute certainty back in July 2020 that facemasks would make no difference to the spread of Covid19, then Bully for you.
As I didn’t have a crystal ball and I was suffering severe respiratory problems from an early bout of Covid, in the days before vaccinations had been developed, I didn’t think I’d survive another bout and I had no wish to risk passing on any infection to anyone else, so I was only too happy to wear a mask when I was out in public.

I even enjoyed making my own tailor-made washable 4-layer dense material masks from materials I had at home and they are still going strong - none of my masks went into landfill. :innocent:

I never did understand why some people made such a fuss about mask wearing protocol - it was such a small price to pay to try to reduce the risk of infection when the whole world was struggling to make sense of this novel virus.
Of course, nobody knew for certain which precautions would be effective and which wouldn’t - it was new to all of us but I was willing to try anything reasonable to reduce the risk of spreading infection.
I don’t believe anyone who claims they knew back in 2020 how this pandemic was going to pan out - it’s easy to criticise with hindsight, though.

Now we have moved forward, with the help of vaccines, acquired immunities, herd immunity and viral mutation into a situation which more people can cope with, we should be glad of that.
I can understand people being bitter about decisions made which overlooked the risk of spreading infection, such as transferring elderly hospital patients back to care homes without making certain they were Covid-free.

But what’s the point of complaining about attempts to reduce our risks - this continually harking back to the past and using info we have only just established to say “I told you so” about the past strikes me as rather pointless and somewhat churlish.

I’m just thankful I managed to live through my serious Covid infection - whether it was natural immunity from that or the vaccinations I was grateful to be given as soon as they were ready, I was lucky to have enough immunity to battle the next two bouts of Covid fairly quickly without any serious symptoms or lasting effects - there’s plenty of others who were not even lucky enough to survive their first bout of Covid.

So let’s forget the petty squabbles over mask wearing and be grateful we are still here!


We can learn a lot by looking back and learning from it and ensuring that it never happens again.

People are still wandering around in masks that can do no good at all.

I went to our GP surgery yesterday to collect prescription. They still have signs up asking you to wear a mask, but I and many people won’t. A man came in in this filthy dirty, heavily soiled mask - the type that looks like an industrial mask. It must have originally been white and looked like he had been wearing it since the start of the pandemic. Not only was it disgusting but it wasn’t covering his nose!

No comment.

Whether or not masks prevented Covid we will never really know.
But they did protect us, well me anyway, from getting coughs, colds and sore throats, so worth it for that alone.

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We still wear ours if we go into shops.And we are seeing more people do it too.To say they make no difference is quite idiotic IMO But they have to be the N95 type,paper masks aren’t as good.

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