News reports in the queens death

Oh Miss …Miss … can I answer that one! :smiley:

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Only, if Azz asks the audience, or phones a friend?

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Damn … I don’t qualify.

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Absolutely not :lol:

Tho if I were ever asked I would have politely explained why, and maybe even diplomatically offered some thoughts on a better way (for her).

I wouldn’t have been unkind to her, my default position when meeting anyone is that of friendship and kindness. (Unless they’re just plain evil!!)


Ah, the good old all people are equal, but some are more equal to others stuff, eh? We all know how the pigs turned out in that little tale.

I totally agree with this Azz.
The media sets the precedence of what is normal and what is not through the establishments interface with the people, TV, radio, news papers, and now their most powerful tool…Wifi and a connection to the World Wide Web wherever we go and sitting on a shelf (Alexa etc) in our front rooms. There is or will be, no escape.

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I have just seen and heard this and I’m disgusted . This person has a very nasty kind. To wish someone an excruciating death is just horrible.

Around an hour before news of the Queen’s death broke, Bezos quoted a tweet from Carnegie Mellon professor Uju Anya, who’d written several hours before: “I heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.”


@LionQueen - I am shocked, Queenie, that is just sick - and shows what awful places twitter and faecesbook really are to allow such vitriolic comments.

It was on Twitter and they did not allow it.
The comment was deleted on the same day it was posted and reported.

A Twitter spokesperson said, " We took enforcement action on the account you referenced for violating the Twitter Rules on abusive behaviour." These rules include “Wishing, hoping, or calling for serious harm on a person or group of people.”

Unfortunately, other folk have copied and shared what she wrote so her vengeful words are still being circulated around the internet, which is what she intended.
I hope folk stop helping her to circulate them by repeating them. They do not deserve any “airtime”

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It should be noted that Bezos quoted the Professor to castigate her for her comments.

That one was just a plain mirror. :wink: :laughing:


Some disgusting comments on Twitter about the death of HMQ…

Her Ratner moment…

Serves her right… she’ll lose a few Squid and won’t get anything on COD at her Plaice!

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I very rarely get angry with people.

I could make an exception with this person.


It does make me question her mentality, she must be quite an unpleasant person with a bad attitude to act up to the camera like that and actually post it . What does she expect will happen . A sad human being


a sad and horrible human being indeed. I so often fail to be able to comprehend some humans and how warped some minds are

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And she took a real battering.

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Not much of a business woman either

The BBC has announced that there will be a change to scheduled programmes today when a 4 hour televised event concerning the ceremonial cleaning of Westminster Abbey in preparation for next weeks Royal funeral.
Armed with the latest Dyson cordless vacuum cleaners, 12 Mrs B’s have been assembled from commonwealth countries across the world.
The timetable of events will be as follows:-
14:00 Will see the Mrs Mops escorted into the Abbey by members of the Queens Guard…
14:30 The Floors will vacuumed and any debris removed.
Pews will be cleaned, sanitised and polished at 15:00
16:00 Will see the start of the opening of the refuse bags, followed by the filling and bag tying ceremony.
The bags will then exit the Abby and be placed in special skips maked in gold leaf with the coat of arms and decorated with the faces of the present front bench shadow cabinet.
17:00 And after prayers, the departure of the cleaning staff and equipment.
18:00 Inspection of the Abbey by the master at arms and ceremonial locking of the great door…

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@Dextrouse," reviewed regularly"
‘Ad infinitum’ !
Even Jeremy Vine managed to squeeze a tear out yesterday ?!?! :frowning::frowning: