New Storing Advice


After years of telling people not to store potatoes in the fridge, the Food Standards Agency has changed its mind. The original advice was based on tests showing that chilling spuds produced extra sugars which turned into a potentially dangerous chemical, but new research has shown that it’s no riskier than keeping them in the cupboard. If you need to make room in the fridge, take out your tomatoes, which lose flavour when cold, and cucumbers, which go mushy. And keep apples, kiwis and apricots away from cabbage, carrots and celery – the fruits produce ethylene gas as they ripen, which spoils the veg.
The Knowledge


It’s a coincidence you should post this now.
I didn’t used to keep potatoes in the fridge when the family were all at home - we got through a sackful too quickly to worry about them sprouting before we’d eaten them!

Since the family all flew the nest I’ve lived alone all these years, I don’t use many potatoes so I only buy small bags and I’ve been keeping them fresher in the fridge - until a month or two ago.
That’s when I discovered that you were not supposed to refrigerate them because of the health risks - so I have only just got used to storing them outside the fridge in a potato bag - now you tell me the Scientists have changed their minds and I can go back to doing what I did before and keep them in the fridge! :exploding_head:

As you were, Mr Potato Head - get back in that fridge! :rofl:


That`s the trouble with scientists,they say one thing one minute ,we take the advice,then they change their minds again.
I shall do what i have always done,my own thing,i only have myself to blame then.

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They take up a bit of room, though

Really, most fruit and veg is better not in the fridge, I think

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Better still, avoid them :lol: they are higher on the glycemic level than sugar itself :upside_down_face:

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More advice
Knowing what should and shouldn’t be stored in the fridge is a nightmare, says Sarah Rainey in the Daily Mail. So here are some rough rules. Keep soft veg – tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and aubergines – out, but stick root vegetables such as carrots and parsnips inside, preferably “in a container filled with cold water”. Opened tomato ketchup is fine in the cupboard. Nuts and flour last longer if they’re kept chilled. Final tip: if your fridge starts to pong, just stick a peeled potato on the middle shelf. “The starchy flesh sucks bad odours out of the air.”