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Oh, very good Robert :lol::lol::lol:

Never give up hope, Hope. The next job might be just around the corner.

:lol: I think I should have said, “Abandon hope…” (they’re all nuts);-):101: I’m the only sane one!

Hey - dont forget Pats …CG :!: :-p :lol: :lol:

Except Pats CG, oh, and ? have just recently joined myself … This is the perfect place to be
right now … they are very friendly … doubt if you will be lonely for long …
As for your job …life has a way of working things out …
just have patience …

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile: I hope you enjoy it here…

A horse with no name … who rememnbers that song ?


How can I ever forget that song? I wonder how he addressed that horse without a name. Horsey?

In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain
La, la …


You may think that odd but on my first visit to Spain (over 30 years ago), my children, my mother and I went to hire some bikes from a local shop to have a cycle around the area were were staying. The shop owner came out and called out to a small dog ‘Ay, perro …’ and the dog came running over. I stroked the dog and said he had a nice name and what did it mean. The chap looked puzzled and said ‘Dog’. I said ‘you call your dog, dog’? He said ‘is a dog, what else would I call it’. I said we called our dog ‘Teela’ and he was puzzled why we would give dogs a name!

I’ve had quite a few dogs, perhaps I should have called them dog1 dog2 dog3 etc hmmm would the dogs remember their own name or number in that case? No thanks, I will keep giving them a unique first name.

That’s what I wondered too but by then, he was already looking at me as though I was a bit odd …

I have people looking at me every single day as if I were the oddest person on the planet. I let them.:slight_smile:

You don’t have to be lonely anymore … just ride around the site and find a friend …
There are plenty of nice people on here …