New drama about Jimmy Savile

I think the main shock wasn’t so much what he did (with all respect to the victims) as the fact that he did it under our very noses Longdogs…:shock:


I will not be watching it, no matter what channel it is on.

He should be consigned to history with no mention of him at all.

:023: Perhaps in 200 years Swim, when everyone has forgot.

I agree Swimmy ,why give the sickening man more publicity.
I don’t understand the need to keep dragging up
the history of some convicted offenders .

I feel sorry for the scrap dealer who bought Jimmy Saville’s Rolls Royce for £130,000 or so and now it’s just about worthless.

I wouldn’t be interested in watching this programme about him.

Honour ceases when the person dies.

That’s just it. He is history and history will come out once in a while.

One trouble is that not all offenders get convicted. It’s possible for people to spend their whole lives getting away with crimes. Despots (and there will be countless other types of people) have done it throughout time in many countries in the World. I know this because I’ve watched TV programmes, often dramatized, about their rise to power and subsequent actions.

I’ve never thought it bad to watch these programmes but some here think burying them is best. Histories and stories about such people should be swept under the carpet never to come to light again. If thinking that, what applies to one ought to apply to all.

I think the reverse. Television programmes and dramas can hold these people to account when there isn’t much chance of justice being done. When I thought I knew all I wanted or needed to know about a person or a case, it turns out I didn’t.

If it’s thought best to bury the history of bad people then I dunno, I feel we won’t know just how bad they were. Less well-informed perhaps.

Just as Prince Andrew is still a prince!
Having said that, having sex with a 17-year old is somehow less evil than what Savile did.

And others, alleged ‘very organised paedophile ring’, victims say they were abused by the entertainer as well as other BBC staff who were not famous TV faces.

That’s rather the point - just don’t.

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Vile by name, vile by nature.

Indeed. Jimmy’s a vile bugger.

Very good! :-p

I think we all knew there was something strange about the man, I mean running around in a gold glittery shell suit with a cigar in his mouth shouting ‘Now then, now then, now then’ is not exactly normal behaviour. He looked 90 when he was 40 and was always weird but because a lot of us grew up with him on TV, we just accepted it.

Thank my lucky stars that Jim didn’t ‘Fix it For Me’…:confused:
I bet the badge’s aren’t worth owt’ now anyway…:019:

That’s true, I hadn’t thought of that. :shock:

About as much as rolf harrises paintings

That’s a shame because I liked Rolf’s paintings and would happily hang one on my wall.

As has already been hinted, letting the BBC provide the story could be seen as an excellent opportunity for those, in the BBC, etc, who hid it all, to paint their personal pictures as heroes, rather than what they really were.

If it has to be made into a program, I would have hoped that it would have gone to a non complicit company.

We’re likely to see a lot of “I tried to warn everybody, and they wouldn’t listen”


A total mess.

He should not even be talked about.