Netflix - The Secret (TV series)


The drama stars James Nesbitt as killer dentist Colin Howell and Genevieve O’Reilly as Hazel Buchanan.

It was originally broadcast from 29 April to 20 May 2016 in four episodes.

Currently on NetFlix.

I’m not a fan of TV “drama” series - they’re usually over-hyped, over-acted, over-long and overrated. However, I’m a sucker for “true-crime” reconstruction documentaries. “The Secret” falls in between, being based on “true-crime” but presented as “drama” and I found it compelling viewing.

From the beginning, the presentation style is low-key and “realistic”, helped enormously by understated but impressive performances from the cast.

:star: :star: :star: :star:

Trailer - Click the enclosed link to view


It was a strange and troubling professional return to Northern Ireland for Nesbitt. The Secret’s occasionally gruelling events take place in Coleraine, where the 51-year-old went to school. “My sister was at Lesley Howell’s coffee mornings,” he reveals. “Two of my best friends were patients of Colin’s. When Colin dumped the bodies in his father-in-law’s garage and ran along the beach he went right past my parent’s house where they were sleeping. I found that quite scary.”

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An article about the crimes. Spoilered. It has details of what happened to the characters in the show.


Who did Colin Howell kill and where is he now?

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Interesting … :+1:

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I saw this on television when it was first shown a few years ago.
I like the actor James Nesbitt, everything he’s in, is usually good.
Genevieve O’Reilly was very good in it too.

Just tried to watch his latest " The Suspect" on ITV, I’ll give the rest a miss.

Caricature, My brother and sister have given up on it too.

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