Cabin steward
4 Man overboard
5 Seasick
8 Sailing close to the wind
9 Between the devil and the deep blue sea
11 Quayside
15 Cruise round the world
16 Crossing the ocean
17 A drop in the ocean
18 Midship
19 Formal Night
20 Travel Overseas
3 not how many of the letter but where it is
6 where is just the top word (3 word answer)
7 hat = ??? can = ???
10 get the 7 letter word should then know the answer
12 colour + word =
14 never go away without this
1 Ashore
2 Cabin steward
3. High seas
4 Man overboard
5 Seasick
6. High and Dry
7 . Captain.
8 Sailing close to the wind
9 Between the devil and the deep blue sea
11 Quayside
13 Cabin number
14 Passport
15 Cruise round the world
16 Crossing the ocean
17 A drop in the ocean
18 Midship
19 Formal Night
20 Travel Overseas